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Cusi challenges Pacquiao; BOC-NAIA performs amid pandemic

July 6, 2021 Itchie G. Cabayan 469 views

Itchie CabayanENERGY Secretary and PDP-Laban Vice Chair Alfonso Cusi is challenging Sen. Manny Pacquiao to prove his allegation of corruption with substantial and convincing evidence.

“As with all whistle blowers, he should be held accountable for his statements, and be responsible enough not to issue a defamatory statement and then just up and leave,” Cusi said.

“There was no corruption in the establishment of the Independent Market Operator (IMO). The establishment of a market operator was in compliance with the EPIRA law. Sen. Pacquiao’s unfounded allegations involving billions of pesos seems to be an attempt to remain relevant so that people will continue to talk about him while he is abroad doing his job and getting paid millions of dollars,” Cusi added.

Indeed, any allegation of corruption is a serious matter and the burden of proof always lies on the accuser. Sen. Pacquiao must be able to put his money where his mouth is.


As trade and business sectors continue to face various challenges halfway through 2021, the Bureau of Customs-Port of NAIA ramped up its efforts and initiatives to perform its mandate and mission of improving revenue collection, strengthening border protection and enhancing trade facilitation.

The Port of NAIA was able to contribute P18.556 billion in duties and taxes, exceeding its P18.485 billion midyear collection target by P71.557 million or +0.4 percent, in spite of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to the overall trade environment.

For June 2021, the Port of NAIA posted a surplus of P224.886 million or +8 percent as it collected P3.037 billion against its target of P2.812 billion.

In the key area of border protection, an estimated P45 million worth of illegal drugs were intercepted and seized from 33 drug busts, from January to June 2021.

These include ecstasy, ketamine, kush, liquid marijuana and shabu, which are detrimental to the well-being and safety of the public.

Attempts to smuggle poisonous spiders, tarantulas, snakes and even marine animals were detected and seized by the Port of NAIA at the borders.

In addressing the health and safety of its frontliners, the Port also held the BOC’s first ‘RESBAKUNA sa NAIA’ COVID-19 Vaccination Program earlier this June. In so doing, it became the first “CERTIFIED NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY (Non-LGU, Non-Health) to host a certified vaccination program.

In full support of the national inoculation program, the Port cleared 34 shipments of COVID-19 Vaccines in 24 batches consisting of 17.25 million vaccine doses.

These time-sensitive vaccines were pre-cleared by the BOC-NAIA One Stop Shop prior to its arrival resulting to a speedy and systematic importation process and without any unnecessary delays.

These milestones of Port of NAIA were rewarded with the ‘Gold Award’ in the Bureau’s Group and Collection District Compliance Revalida and a ‘Gold Recognition’ from the DENR for the port’s contribution in seizing subjects of illegal wildlife trafficking.

Port of NAIA also received recognition from Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) Director General Atty. Jeremiah B. Belgica on the Ease of Doing Business efforts initiatives , and from Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) Testing Czar Secretary Vivencio ‘Vince’ Bringas Dizon on the expeditious facilitation and the flawless port management of the COVID-19 Vaccine importations halfway through 2021.

BOC-Port of NAIA head District Collector Carmelita ‘Mimel’ Talusan said they continue to support all these reform initiatives of BOC Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero and will remain committed and proactive in accomplishing their vital role in addressing the global pandemic.

This, while consistently fulfilling its mandates of improving collection of lawful revenues, enhancing trade facilitation and strengthening border protection.


Jokjok (from Kathryn Poblete of Candaba, Pampanga)— Pasyente: Magkano ba ang facelift?/ Doktora: Complete treatment ay P145,000. Pasyente: Ang mahal naman?!!! Ano bang pinakamurang treatment para magmukha akong bata?/ Doktora: Heto tsupon, P20 lang!


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