Tan Sulu Governor Sakur Tan

BGC endorses Sulu gov for chief minister of BAMM polls

May 18, 2024 Ryan Ponce Pacpaco 147 views

THE BARMM Grand Coalition (BGC) is set to support Sulu Governor Sakur Tan for the role of Chief Minister in the upcoming Bangsamoro Parliament elections in May 2025.

The four major political parties that make up the BGC – the Salaam Party of Gov. Tan himself, Bangsamoro People Party (BPP), Al Ittihad-UKB Party and Serbisyong Inklusibo Alyansang Progresibo (SIAP) Party – agreed to support the Sulu governor for the top position in BARMM.

The announcement of the BGC’s endorsement of Gov. Tan’s bid for Chief Minister was made by Basilan Cong. Mujiv Hataman, one of the founders of BPP, during the General Assembly of Salaam Party-BGC in Maimbung, Sulu.

“The coalition has come to a consensus that it will be backing Gov. Sakur Tan for the position of Chief Minister in the Bangsamoro Parliament because the BGC believes he is more than qualified to hold the post,” said Hataman.

Tan expressed gratitude to officials and members of the political parties of the BGC, saying he appreciates the confidence granted to him by leaders of BARMM local governments.

“Iisa ang ating adhikain: ang isang mapayapa, maunlad at masaganang Bangsamoro region na may paggalang sa karapatan ng lahat ng sektor na bibigyan ng boses sa pamahalaan,” Tan said.

Hataman added that the decision to endorse Tan was made after a series of meetings and exhaustive consultations with officials and members of all the political parties, non-government organizations and civil society groups that comprise the whole of BGC.

The BGC was formed early this year when leaders of the four major political parties in BARMM met and agreed to form an alliance that would push for the principles of peace and unity, inclusive governance and development, and the full implementation of the peace agreement in the Bangsamoro region.

Gov. Tan is currently on his second term as governor of Sulu after serving one term as vice governor from 2013 to 2016.

He first came into politics as a municipal councilor of Jolo in 1981, before serving as Sulu’s first district representative from 1987 to 1992.

He became governor of Sulu from 1996 to 2001 and again from 2007 to 2013, serving two full terms.

Hataman said the BGC believes that with Gov. Tan’s leadership in BARMM, the BGC can realize its principles of equitable representation in the Bangsamoro government that serves all citizens regardless of religion or ethnicity, and the coalition’s advocacy embodied in the statement: “Ang Bangsamoro ay para sa lahat, hindi lamang para sa iilan.”