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I was right and sad at PVL

August 1, 2023 Lito Cinco 591 views

Lito CincoI STARTED penning this piece right after the battle for third place between Cignal and F2 Logistics, won in four sets by Cignal.

And finished it two days after the finals match featuring defending champions Creamline and visiting Kurashiki Ablaze team.

I arrived at Philsports last Sunday around 4 p.m. and was not surprised at all to see a big crowd of fans outside the gate.

For some, hoping against hope they get the chance to get inside, while there were also many who got their tickets but not before paying scalpers a hefty price.

I have been saying that the PVL has not only overtaken but has even replaced the PBA as the country’s biggest spectator sport, particularly when sister teams Creamline and Choco Mucho play.

It is just unfortunate that this level of popularity has not rubbed off on the men’s side of the game even as PVL’s Ricky Palou says the league will undertake more serious efforts to make that happen.

Provided though he gets the six regular teams he needs to make it a reality.

Anyway, the intro of the players prior to the game already gave the Japanese team the one sided support Creamline will get from the crowd.

But mind you, the fans also know how to appreciate good plays when they happen, and they can expect to see a lot of that from Kurashiki, both on the offense and defense.

By the way, that was a nice innovation by the league, the fans were asked to turn on their cellphone lights while Philsports’ lights were turned off.

Then I stopped being a sportswriter for once and became a simple women’s volleyball fan that I have evolved into.

It was a true championship match between the two teams and I am sure the crowd got its money’s worth, for me it was worth the almost six hours that I stayed glued to my seat.

My realization at the end of the five-set match, I called it right when I said Kurashiki will take it in the end, though the Japanese team had to earn it the hard way.

But at the same time, I was sad that I was right.

But I will give it to Creamline, this team simply does not want to lose, and they showed it that night, down two sets after shocking Kurashiki in the first set behind the superb setting job by Jia de Guzman, Creamline stole set 4, to set up that thrilling finish.

Fact is, that last set 15-13 victory by Kurashiki changed my mind that they were the better team, Creamline can match up with them and it was just unfortunate that the final point by Kurashiki came on a service ace.

However, I have to state that Kurashiki is not a Division 1 team, am not even sure if Division 2, that tells us how big the gap is between Philippine volleyball and Japanese volleyball.

I did not stay for the awarding anymore last Sunday night but I saw it on You Tube that the Kurashiki players stayed behind after to help clean up the litter on the court, that was impressive but not really surprising.

I understand too that the Japanese coach made an offer to help Philippine volleyball and was willing to accommodate a player or players who can be sent to Japan, particularly on the defensive side of the game.

Now that is something that the PVL should accept.

That is all for now folks.

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