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People Who Are Skeptical About The Paranormal Share The Creepy Stories That Still Haunt Them

May 18, 2023 People's Tonight 1111 views

Damon Davis

Vote up the creepiest stories from skeptics.

Even supernatural skeptics have a story or two that still managed to scare the hell out of them. These Redditors are describing the supernatural moments that stuck with them despite not believing in that sort of thing.


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Woken By Screaming

From Redditor u/fantik122:

It was a Saturday, and I was taking a nap. In my dreams, a girl with a white dress got near my ear and started screaming. I instantly woke up, and I heard the door ringing. It was a friend, and the moment he comes in, he asks if I’m with a girl at home. I was like, “Why are you asking?” He said that he ringed the bell, and a girl answered. He asked if I was home, and she said, “Yes, he’s sleeping. I’ll wake him up, just a second.”


What do you think?


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Something Running By The Window

From Redditor u/cleaning-meaning:

One night, the girl I was babysitting came running out of her room crying, saying something was walking by her window.

Now, I get a lot of creepy stories and things from the kids I babysit. They have crazy imaginations. So I go check, not really thinking anything.

Something runs by the window as I’m checking it out. A distinctly humanoid figure. At this point, I needed a diaper as much as the little girl I was babysitting. So I text the parents asking about it.

And no shit, this is the response I get:

“OMG, you saw it, too?!”

Yeah, I cried. Called the cops, too. They came by and said they didn’t see anything around.

The thing is, the parents had called the cops several times before, too, for the same reason. One of the freakiest times I’ve ever babysat.


Siblings Felt Like They Were Being Pulled From Their Beds At The Same Time

From Redditor u/Great_Big__:

My aunt has a story of her and her siblings sharing the same experience while in three separate rooms.

My aunt and I were driving in the town she went to school in. We drove past a house, and I remarked how bad it looked. She replied, “It is worse inside. That place is haunted.” I had never heard my aunt talk of anything paranormal, and I haven’t since.

The story goes that the three of them rented out some sketchy house while going to school. Apparently, strange things would happen that made them feel uncomfortable but never anything crazy.

On a few occasions, they would all notice they would wake up in the night with the blankets off and at the foot of the bed. Nothing strange, people kick of blankets when they get too hot all the time.

One night, my aunt recounts that she had a dream she was falling and needed to grab onto something to save herself. She suddenly realized that she wasn’t dreaming and she was being pulled by her ankles out of her bed. She grabbed the rails of the headboard. After a few horrifying moments, she gets the strength to scream. AT THE SAME TIME, she hears screams from her siblings’ rooms.

The feeling ended just as soon as it started, and she ran to check on them. They all had the same feeling of being pulled out of their beds.

Needless to say, they moved out and didn’t look back.


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Hotel Room Revealed Evidence Of Murder To Guests

From Redditor u/Backshot14:

Had a room in our hotel where a murder occurred. We got multiple complaints from different guests every couple weeks that the sheets had bloodstains on them and the lights wouldn’t turn on.

Whenever we’d check the room, no issues.

One time after moving the guests, we got a noise complaint that there was screaming coming from the room. Check the room, empty. Listened to the neighbours’ rooms and didn’t note any noise, either.

We had never publicly released that the murder occurred in that room, and nobody but staff knew. I’m skeptical but creeped me out.


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Saw A Family Friend Who Was Already Dead In The Backyard

From Redditor u/ObiMemeKenobi:

This happened back when we were like in third grade.

It was around 7 pm right when the sun was almost set. My cousins swore that one of my grandma’s friends was in their backyard, knocking on the window in their room and trying to talk to them.

Although not entirely strange for her to be back there (she regularly helped my grandma with her garden), at this point, she had been reported missing, and nobody even knew where she was.

It was only later that we learned she was already dead sometime that morning. She had been stabbed several times, and her body found in a dumpster nearby.

I don’t know who the f*ck my cousins saw that night…


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Face In The Window

From Redditor u/Screaming_Wilhelm:

When I was seven or eight, I remember looking out of my bedroom window one night and seeing a face. I suppose it could be considered a stereotypical alien face. Huge eyes, narrow mouth, no noticable nose. The window was six feet or so off the ground, and this face was near the top of it. Whatever it was felt evil, and it was aimed at me. My adult mind says it was a dream, but I’m sure I was awake.

I have told this story twice. Once to my significant other, and once here. I don’t talk about it because I feel like if I do, it will somehow know and come back. Even right now, I’m extremely uncomfortable having typed it. My signficant other makes jokes occasionally and thinks it’s funny when I get nervous, but it still terrifies me.


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A Man In Flashing Lights

From Redditor u/Alokir:

Lights flashing in my bedroom at night when I was around 12.

It looked like an invisible man walking around in the room and taking pictures with a camera, but all we could see were the flashes. It happened from 2 am to 6 am, a flash every few minutes or so.

I had two of my friends with me who slept over. That’s how I know I didn’t dream or imagine it.


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The Sounds Of Feet On Steps

From Redditor u/Drake9214:

Was working as an EMT in a rural small town for a few years. After a run, I was up late finishing my report when I started hearing someone come down some wooden stairs in the bay about 40 feet from me. The stairs go up to a training room, and it’s just me and my partner there. I go look, nothing there. I go sit back down and try to finish the report. Sound gets loud and fast down the stairs so I just get up and start walking out when the plug-in for the ambulance just shoots out and crashes against the wall.

Decided to finish my reports in the bunk rooms.


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Gone Without A Trace

From Redditor u/dYaunie76:

There’s a section of the warehouse I work in that is from the 1940s and is said to be haunted.

Well, I was on the second floor one night (shift is 9 pm to 5 am), when I saw someone lean out of one of the aisleways along the side of the main walkway, notice me, and lean back in – almost as if they were just checking to see who was there.

Thinking it was my manager, I called out to him and walked over, but nobody was there.

Being that this section of warehouse is 80ish years old, the floors are all wooden and incredibly loud. There is no possible way someone could move around up there without making footsteps or creaks.

I heard nothing, saw nothing else, and nobody was on that floor but me.


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Feeling Someone Sit On The Bed

From Redditor u/Kellner21:

A handful of times, I would feel the corner of the bed lower as if someone sat down on it. Whenever it happened, I would refuse to turn over and just face the wall until I fell asleep.

That was over 25 years ago.


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Heavy Boots Pacing From The Kitchen To The Bathroom

From Redditor u/Adventurous_Egg_6321:

In my old house, I would be laying in bed watching TV at 2 to 3 am and could distinctly hear someone wearing heavy boots walk from the bathroom to the kitchen…

They would do it four or five times, then it would stop.

At first, I thought it was my mom or my grandma (I lived with both), and I would go check to see what they were doing up so late but no one was ever there. One day at dinner, I brought it up to them, and my grandma told me she heard the same footsteps since she first moved in. I’m pretty skeptical. The house was old and creaky, so it could have been anything. But it sounded just like human footsteps, and I can’t explain the repetition. Usually in a creaky house, you’ll hear one or two sounds, then it goes away, so…


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A Never-Ending Pour

From Redditor u/Lunatik21:

I was a manager at a pet store, and we used paper bags. This elderly lady bought a couple things, was rang through, and then continued to browse for a bit while she waited for friends/family.

As I was filling out something on one of the unused tills for paper work, I noticed this woman’s paper bag start to leak out of the corner. It turned into a steady stream that did not stop. At first, I was like, “Maybe she put a bottle of water on the bag upside down, no biggie.” So I went over to point out her bottle was leaking in her bag (she didn’t notice), and then I looked into the bag. No bottle, nothing that could have been leaking. It was a clear bag of biscuits packaged in store and a bully stick.

I took the bag of biscuits out, and it was completely full of water, draining out of the corner, but here’s the paranormal/unexplained bit: The bag never decreased in level of water. It just kept pouring water with no stopping. A few customers and I just watched it for 10 seconds before I realized I should take it outside. So I did, customers in tow, and just sat the bag down while it continued to pour. And after 30 seconds after I put it down, the bags water level started to sudden decrease and was empty in like five seconds.

I was f*cking floored. Like, what did I just witness? A bag that was magically connected to a source of water? I still don’t know. I watched the cameras over so many times and couldn’t explain it.

I still think about it from time to time…


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Ghost Headlights On A Country Road

From Redditor u/GoddessOfRoadAndSky:

One night, I was driving the car with my friend in the passenger seat. We were taking backroads just listening to music. There was nobody else around, and the stretch we were in did not have streetlights.

Out of nowhere, two blaring lights shined in the rearview mirror. I swear, I looked at the mirror and saw a car right behind me. Since nobody had been around just seconds ago, I assumed the car must be driving pretty f*cking fast. So I floored it.

I braced myself for impact. A second later when nothing happened, I looked back at the rearview mirror. There was nothing but the faint red from my own tail lights. I slowed and told my friend what I just saw. She admitted that she did not see any such lights. She did, however, get a creepy feeling and shivered just moments before I saw it.

The cherry on top?

The road we were on is one that my driver’s ed instructor had me drive on, 16 long years ago. On that same stretch of road, he was telling me a story about some teen who was drunk driving recklessly on that street. He went on describing the kid and how he went driving along with his buddies. He pointed to a memorial cross on the side of the road. “And that’s where he crashed.”

My skeptical brain wants to chalk these headlights up to a hallucination, but I’ve never had a visual hallucination before. It’s been years since this event occurred, and this most “plausible” explanation still doesn’t make sense. The one and only time in my 32 years that I’ve ever had a hallucination just happened to be when my friend got the shudders as we were driving down this same road? I mean, I think that’s still more likely than ghosts, but this was the one thing I’ve experienced that I really can’t figure out.


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Weird Happenings At The Nursing Home

From Redditor u/Voiceisaweapon:

I worked in the memory care unit of a nursing home facility. From 8:00 to 10:30 pm, I would be the only employee in the unit. All of our residents were in their rooms either sleeping or watching TV around 9:30pm. Our unit was an L-shape with a living room/dining room in the bend of the L.

One night around 9:45, I was just walking from one end of the unit to the other. We had quite a few empty rooms at the time, and we always kept their doors closed but not locked. I walked past some empty rooms and turned around at the end of the unit. As I walked back past the empty rooms, one of the doors was wide open.

I turned on the lights and looked through the entire room (they weren’t very big), but there was nothing to find. There was no way any of my residents could’ve gotten up and opened a door and gotten back to bed without my noticing.

I shut the door and checked that it was truly firmly closed. I sat in the living room area the rest of the shift just staring down the hallway, terrified.

Of course, I had been warned that weird things happen in nursing homes because there’s bound to be lots of death. But I never talked to anyone who had a negative experience. They said it was more things that felt like a resident who passed getting confused and going back to their old room or favorite areas.


• Graveyard Shift