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LGUs thanked for help in basic education recovery

February 23, 2023 Jester P. Manalastas 287 views

VICE President Sara Duterte has extended gratitude to local chief executives for their immense support to the Department of Education’s recovery plan.

Speaking before the members of the League of Municipalities of the Philippines during their 2023 general assembly, Duterte acknowledged the invaluable efforts of the local officials that led to the successful implementation of basic education learning recovery plan.

“Nagpapasalamat po kami sa suporta ng maraming mga local government units na nagroll-out ng kanilang mga reading programs, math and science programs nila para sa kanilang mga learners,” she added.

Duterte, who is also Education Secretary, said the support from LGUs has immensely helped the education sector in catching up with the lost time teaching the learners.

“The Department of Education’s gargantuan task of shepherding 28 million learners back to school in August last year would not have been possible without your support,” she said.

DepEd’s Learning Recovery Plan is a mechanism implemented to bridge the learning gaps in basic education brought about by the two-year pandemic.

Meanwhile, Duterte has called on LMP members “to convene your local school board and evaluate the needs of your local schools.”

“While our President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has committed to increase investments in education in the next six years, let me take this opportunity to enjoin our mayors to convene your local school board and evaluate the needs of your local schools,” she said.

“Our schools in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas are in dire need of your support. An investment in education secures the future peace and progress of your locality,” she added.

Duterte, who was mayor of Davao City before being elected Vice President, underscored the role of mayors in pursuing programs “to remain effective conduits of socio-political change, economic advancement, and cultural development of the communities we serve.”

“As a former mayor, I am aware of the amount of responsibility that comes with the opportunity to lead and direct our localities to the path of greater growth and sustainable development,” she said.

She also reiterated the significance of good governance in building legacies and being counterparts of the national government in bringing forward inclusive progress for the country and its people.

The LMP assembly is a country-wide conference for municipal mayors, which serves as an avenue for updating and discussions on developmental endeavors.