AFAB DAZZLING–Hazel Keith Elloren and Faye Arceo, right, Senior Information officer and Information officer, dubbed as “Darling of the press” pose for a photo opportunity with newsmen over the weekend.

2 AFAB personnel worth retaining

January 20, 2024 People's Tonight 402 views

MARIVELES, Bataan–They are not public relations practitioners but the two personnel of Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB) are building an image to the freeport.

Newsmen covering AFAB dubbed Hazel Keith Elloren and Faye Arceo, senior information officer and information officer, respectively of AFAB, as “darling of the press” due to their ideal way in dealing with the press.

Elloren and Arceo’s main roles are to promote, project and protect the AFAB’s image and they played a major role in public relations and befriending the working press based here.

AFAB administrator and chief executive officer Mohammed Hussein P. Pangandaman was right in retaining Elloren and Arceo at the Community Affairs Division (CAD).

These two have distinctive personalities and know how to “sell and promote” AFAB; they know how to deal professionally with the local press in building the image of the new AFAB administrator in particular and the AFAB itself in general, so to speak.

Last December, Pangandaman hosted a Holiday party with local newsmen.

The AFAB administrator was not, however, able to attend the shindig but sent Elloren and Arceo to entertain and titillate the newsmen, instead.

Although Pangandaman, a close friend and political leader of Pres. Bongbong Marcos, is rarely seen by the press based here, his presence is virtually felt through Elloren and Arceo, who constantly kept disseminating information about their boss’ activities and the AFAB’s programs.

Pangandaman concentrates more in courting investors to pour in their investments here, seeking additional funds to boost the meager budget of AFAB which is roughly P140 million for 2024.

Newsmen learned that Pangandaman is working for the funding of a huge dam project since the existing one is already obsolete; the beautification of Mattel beach which he wanted to put up commercial and industrial buildings, a promenade, etc.

Pangandaman was reportedly instructed personally by Pres Marcos to turn AFAB around to generate more employment for the benefits of the Bataeños and the country. By RONALD SUPNAD