
Teachers’ group appeals to DepEd to review EO 174

January 21, 2023 Arlene Rivera 2258 views

The National Head Teachers Association of the Philippines (NaHTAP) appealed to the Department of Education (DepEd) not to “dissolve” their positions under the EO (Executive Order) 174 or the policy to create an “expanded career progression system” for public school teachers.

This is according to Dino Busilig, lead convenor of the group and a head teacher from Batangas province, as the proposed implementing rules drafted by DepEd would result in mass “demoralization.”

Based on recent information, the IRRs (implementing rules and regulations) will be released this January, but the DepEd has yet to “initiate a consultation” with the stakeholders, especially the head teachers who will be affected by this policy change.

“We have been patient and we continue to wait for the DepEds call for a consultation, but it seems that we are waiting for nothing,” Busilig explained.

The group said that they received information that the DepEd has finished the draft, and there are circulation documents that their positions, which are administrative in nature, will be retitled to classroom tasks, an option that is not explicitly provided in the said EO.

“Because of anxiety and demoralization, some of our seasoned colleagues are now planning to retire,” Busilig added.

Meanwhile, the Teachers Dignity Coalition (TDC) supported the move of NaHTAP and even lobbied for the adoption of their position on the matter to Representative Roman Romulo, the Chair of the House Basic Education Committee.

“We maintain our stand to retain the Head Teacher position in the proposed policy contrary to the expressed intention of the DepEd to dissolve or retitle the said positions in the draft Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of EO 174,” said TDC Chairperson Benjo Basas in a letter to Romulo.

Last November, the House panel consolidated the bills that intend to provide a career progression system for teachers and adopted some proposals from TDC and NaHTAP.

“We would like to ask your support to the said bill that will harmonize the wisdom of the House Basic Education Committee, the opinions and sentiments of organized teachers and the intention of Executive Order 174, which is to provide a better and expanded career progression system for public school teachers,” Basas furthered.

Both groups are seeking the support of legislators for the bill or a better version of the IRR.

“While we are worried by this situation, we are still hopeful that the DepEd, DBM (Department of Budget and Management), CSC (Civil Service Commission), and PRC (Professional Regulation Commission) will be fair enough to consider the retention of our position,” Busilig ended.