
New DA chief

November 4, 2023 People's Tonight 170 views

PRESIDENT Marcos has appointed a new secretary of the Department of Agriculture (DA).

In announcing the appointment of Francisco T. Laurel Jr. as the new agriculture secretary, President Marcos said the appointee understands very well the problems confronting the sector.

The Chief Executive said “Secretary Kiko and I are confident that we have a fair understanding, a good understanding of what it is that needs to be done, what are the problems.”

We, like other well-meaning people, share the view of Marcos that he held the top agriculture post for some time because “there are many things that only a President could do.”

Laurel has been the president of Frabelle Fishing Corp. since 1985 and director of the firm since 2010. He also trained in refrigeration, net manufacturing, engine overhauling and food manufacturing.

President Marcos’ first marching order to Secretary Laurel is to bring down the prices of goods, particularly food and other essential commodities.

The President also wants the new agriculture secretary to address the other problems of the country’s beleaguered farmers, fishermen and other farm workers and their loved ones.

Appointing a full-time secretary of the DA, in the view of various quarters, is a move in the right direction.

We, thus, call on the public to rally behind Secretary Francisco T. Laurel as he tries to exert his best efforts to improve the quality of life of the farmers, fishers and other farm workers.