
‘Mantis’ Insectoid Alien Reveals True Form to UFO Researcher

June 21, 2022 People's Tonight 870 views

Posted: 19 Jun 2022 04:10 AM PDT

Mantis1A UFO researcher was attending a conference when he overheard a conversation. Intrigued, he discretely confronted the ‘mother,’ who revealed her true ‘praying mantis’ insectoid form to him.

I recently received the following account:

“Hi Lon,

Regarding the Mantis story, I thought I would share my tale.

Years ago my wife and I were at a conference (if I remember correctly) and talked to a well known UFO researcher named ‘GW’. He is known as a physicist.

GW told us the following story:

He was attending a discussion of some kind concerning UFOs. It took place in a building where the rows of chairs were close and tightly packed. He was in the audience listening to the presentation. He noticed a family of 3 sitting in front of him – Father, Mother and a child.

During the lecture, the presenter was discussing possible UFO propulsion systems and was discussing how a UFO traveling in atmosphere might use a ram jet design to assist during flight.

The child of the family leaned over to his mother and started to say – “But that’s how our ship runs …..” The mother quickly shushed her child, but not before GW had heard what was said.

After the presentation concluded and everyone was leaving, GW managed to locate the woman by herself and discretely ask her about what he had heard. She was friendly and verified that she and her family were not native to Earth. He was excited and started to ask questions but she didn’t want to go into detail, but did admit that her appearance was not what she really looked like. He asked her to show him the truth. He described that she – very slowly – lowered her “cloaking” device to show her real form. He described her as a “praying mantis” insectoid type alien. Only he saw it. No one else in the area did. He said she was amused that he didn’t react to her form. He had more questions but she declined to answer and they left.

I don’t think that story was published anywhere because he told it to us in person.

Maybe you could locate him and ask for a more detailed account.

Keep up the great work. I never knew so much of this happened. I am always looking behind me when walking in the woods now!” Michael Relfe –

NOTE: I will attempt to contact GW (who is a known physicist and UFO researcher) for any clarification. Lon

Phantoms & Monsters