
Lapid: Dev’t of Negros Island Region expected in New PH

June 15, 2024 People's Tonight 64 views

THE development of the unified Negros Island is expected under the Bagong Pilipinas after President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. signed a law establishing Negros Island Region last Thursday, June 13, 2024.

Republic Act No. 12000, creating the country’s 18th region, is envisioned to accelerate the region’s growth.

Lapid, Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Tourism, was part of drafting the NIR law under Senate Bill No. 2507 approved by the Senate on March 12, 2024. As the author, Lapid filed Senate Bill No. 1469, or the Negros Island Region Act of 2022 on November 7, 2022.

Lapid said that the unification of the region of Negros Island and Siquijor Island will lead to better, faster, and more efficient public services for Negrenses.

Lapid also stressed that the enactment of NIR Act would help boost the development of the region in the field of tourism, culture, economic development, industry transformation and information and communication technology.

Lapid praised President Marcos for his immediate response to the needs of the Negrenses.

The NIR Act will unify the provinces of Negros Occidental, including Bacolod City, Negros Oriental and Siquijor to promote administration decentralization; strengthen local autonomy; and accelerate economic, cultural and social development.

The union was first established during the administration of Benigno Aquino III when he issued an executive order creating the NIR.

However, his successor Rodrigo Duterte revoked the order in 2017 due to lack of funding, dissolving the region.