
La Nina

May 20, 2024 People's Tonight 91 views

DON’T look now, but the transition from the current El Nino to La Nina is already under way, according to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astromical Services Administration (Pagasa).

This may shift to a neutral condition – when there’s neither El Nino nor La Nina weather phenomenon – around June then shift to La Nina by July.

Thus, the Filipino people, notaby those living in low-lying areas, would do well to be prepared because the coming La Nina could wreak havoc on agriculture and disrupt transportation and services.

Reports said that once La Nina fully sets in, the Philippines will experience more destructive typhoons caused by stronger winds and heavier rains.

Even without La Nina, this impoverished Southeast Asian nation is a favorite “sparring partner” of powerful typhoons during the rainy season.

In fact, every year, natural disasters claim the lives of many people and destroy bilions of pesos worth of property and agricultural crops across the country.

Defense Secretary Gilberto “Gibo” C. Teodoro made the announcement after attending the fifth meeting of the presidential task force for the preparations for La Nina, which was held early this month.

Of course, we share the view of Secretary Teodoro that there’s a need to intensify price and supply monitoring efforts to protect the country’s consumers.

It is public knowledge that during hard times, including natural disasters, like floods, unscrupulous traders jack up prices and hoard essential commodities.

Let’s then take drastic measures to address the high vulnerability of the country to destructive weather events, particularly during the coming La Nina.