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Hire more education support personnel, gov’t prodded

May 18, 2024 Jester P. Manalastas 89 views

A party-list solon is urging the Marcos administration to hire more education support personnel or ESP.

ACT Teachers Party-list Rep. France Castro has lauded education support personnel on their special day, highlighting their crucial role in supporting the educational system.

“On this special day, we recognize the invaluable contributions of our ESPs who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the smooth operation of our schools. They are the unsung heroes who deserve our appreciation and support,” Castro said.

“The DepEd’s recent order to remove administrative tasks from teachers is a step in the right direction, but it is not enough. We need to hire more ESPs to truly lighten the load of our overwhelmed teachers. The current setup is unsustainable, and we risk burning out our educators if we do not take drastic action,” Castro stressed.

She reiterated the demands of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) Philippines, which includes the hiring of approximately 94,540 additional ESPs nationwide, provision of an entry-level pay of P33,000 for ESPs, and doubling the budget allocated for school Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOEs).

“We owe it to our ESPs and teachers to provide them with the support they need to thrive. It’s time for the government to take education seriously and invest in our educators, and he hope that the Senate would expedite the approval of the bill recognizing May 16 as Education Support Personnel Day,” Castro added.