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Harvard Professor Is Right: Some UFOs Are Aliens, Govt. Officials From D.C. Told Him

May 11, 2023 People's Tonight 217 views

By Vicky Verma

Mysterious difficulties are still preventing the release of information related to the government’s hoarding and suppressing data about the first known interstellar object to land on Earth, nearly a year after U.S. Space Command confirmed that scientists had correctly identified it.

Whereas, scientists provide an explanation for the trajectory of the most controversial “Oumuamua.”

Scientists Jennifer Bergner and Darryl Seligman submitted a paper, concluding that Oumuamua contained water and molecular hydrogen, which froze into ice due to the extreme cold of deep space. When the interstellar object entered the inner solar system and warmed up, the ice converted to its crystalline state, causing the H2 to be forced out and provide the propulsive push that explained the acceleration. The scientists ruled out nitrogen and carbon monoxide as possible explanations for the outgassing and acceleration because their levels were too low.

Dr. Avi Loeb said: “Oumuamua was not a Hydrogen-Water iceberg.” He submitted a new paper in collaboration with Thiem Hoang, challenging the surface temperature calculation of Oumuamua made by Bergner and Darryl in their recent paper published in Nature. He and Hoang argue that the calculation ignored the cooling effect of evaporating hydrogen, leading to an overestimation of the surface temperature by a factor of 9. The decrease in surface temperature limits the thermal annealing of water ice, further challenging the original model’s credibility.

Additionally, Dr. Loeb argues that Oumuamua’s lack of a visible coma, absence of carbon-based molecules or dust, and its unusual elongated shape, are all inconsistent with it being a generic comet. Dr. Loeb has previously proposed the possibility that Oumuamua is artificial in origin, which has sparked debates among experts.

In 2019, Amar Siraj and Dr. Loeb discovered an interstellar meteor near Papua New Guinea in 2014 and attempted to confirm their discovery. Relevant data had been collected by Department of Defense sensors, which were used to track nuclear explosions and was classified. In 2022, after delays, Space Command confirmed the researchers were correct about the meteor’s origin. This raised questions about why the government had suppressed information about the discovery for years.

According to this report, Motherboard filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act with different federal agencies seeking insight into why the government was not sharing data about alien bodies transiting our solar system. One request was filed with the Department of Energy in April 2022, and sought emails from two scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, who mentioned the terms asteroid, meteor, or debris. Motherboard requested expedited processing due to the public’s interest in the topic.

The Department of Energy informed Motherboard that the request had been forwarded to the National Nuclear Security Administration, and a government information specialist later informed Motherboard that they had not demonstrated a compelling need for expedited processing. The request’s estimated completion date was moved several times, and Motherboard was ultimately told there is no estimated completion date due to “a few difficulties that the NNSA’s Los Alamos Field Office and/or Lab will have to work out.”

There is no definite answer to why mainstream scientists are trying to diminish Dr. Loeb’s discovery of Oumuamua and his bold acceptance of extraterrestrials. However, in his recent blog post, he mentioned that he was visited by two government representatives from Washington DC, who assumed he was on the right path. Perhaps, he is right about some UFOs might be extraterrestrial. (Source)

“‘Am I wasting my time?’ I asked the two visitors who came all the way from Washington DC to my home a couple of days ago. ‘Not at all,’ they assured me,” writes Dr. Loeb. He further added: “There is, of course, a lingering possibility that I am naïve and UAP are smoke and mirrors. In that case, we will find out soon enough. This is why I asked my guests from DC whether I may be wasting my time. I have no access to classified data and the publicly available data is not convincing. But the known facts are intriguing enough to get me going. Just as the nature of dark matter inspired me to write many scientific papers as a theoretical astrophysicist.”

Dr. Loeb has written extensively about dark matter and other cosmic phenomena. However, he is now leading the Galileo Project, which aims to investigate unident ified aerial phenomena (UAP) and determine if any have an extraterrestrial technological origin. The author notes that the scientific community has not been open to exploring UAP in the same way they have been with dark matter, and that this is a problem.