CAAP to improve GAD policies

December 4, 2023 Jun I. Legaspi 206 views

THE Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), through its Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point System (GADFPS), held a workshop to improve the agency leaders’ understanding of GAD policies and mandates and develop its practices in handling gender-related cases.

Held in Jet Hotel in Lipa, Batangas, from November 29 to December 1, the workshop was attended by the Committee on Decorum and Investigation (CODI) Orientation, Gender and Sensitivity Training (GST), and a GAD Policy Formulation Workshop.

The main objective of the event was to formulate the agency’s policies on CODI, plan the budget of GAD, as well as develop CAAP’s Mapagkalingang Paliparang Program.