
Couple sees ‘demons’ in black items… dumps household goods

July 30, 2022 People's Tonight 254 views

Demons1‘DEMON FURNITURE‘ … A couple from Oshakati have dumped their household items that are black in colour at the dumping site at Ongwediva, claiming that the items are possessed by demons.

AN OSHAKATI couple yesterday dumped their black household goods, including leather sofas, because they are “demonic”.

Among the items the couple dumped were sofas, a kitchen cupboard, a flat-screen TV set, cooking utensils and bedroom sheets, as well as two plastic chairs.

The husband (39) is a senior official at the finance ministry at Oshakati, while the wife (28) is unemployed. Although The Namibian knows the couple’s identity, the police asked that they should not be named.

The couple also said that the items, especially the sofas, have the number 666, which he believes is a demonic sign.

“All black items in our house are demonic,” the man told The Namibian at the Ongwediva dumping site yesterday.

The police stopped the couple from burning the items.

The husband said he bought the couches for N$17 000, the TV set for N$6 000 and the cupboard for N$3 000, while the bedding sheet was worth N$200.

The couple broke the TV screen.

“It does not help to cleanse ourselves and pass on the demons to other people,” he stated.

The wife said every time she slept on the sofas, she saw evil things. She added that they are yet to remove the stove and one more kitchen cupboard from their house, both of which are black.

The couple told The Namibian that they gave their lives to Jesus in 2010, and had been attending sermons at the AFM Rock of Salvation Church at Oshakati East.

This month, the man explained, they joined another church, where they attend sermons at the Okaandje village.

He said the Apostolic Faith Mission church did not tell them that his black items in the house were possessed.

“God revealed to me in my dream that I should throw them away. This has nothing to do with my pastor. The couches also have signs of 666, which the Word says is a demonic sign,” he added.

The man said the reporter could not see the number 666 because she had not been delivered. However, 666666 was engraved on a wooden panel of the sofas.

The man advised the reporter to change her hairstyle, and not to wear pants or any black clothes because God does not allow it.

“Why did you change yourself? You should cut out that bushy hair and cut off your natural hair if you are unable to maintain it, instead of changing yourself,” he said.

Oshana regional police head Ottilie Kashuupulwa said they were keeping the items in case the couple changed their minds.

She said the Ongwediva Town Council informed the police after a security guard on duty at the dumping site on Sunday night informed the police that items in good condition had been dumped at the site.

Kashuupulwa warned members of the public against falling prey to fake churches and getting rid of their valuable goods which cost them money.

“The police will not stop people from going to church and seeking the word of God. But, they should know that this time it is property, before you know it, it will be people that they will be getting rid of, and claiming they have demons,” she warned.

The couple was escorted home by the police, and it was explained to them that the items would be kept safe in case they change their minds about dumping them. –

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