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PH ensures protection of Pinoy HSWs in UAE

May 2, 2021 Cristina Lee-Pisco 365 views

THE Philippines partnered with a United Arab Emirates (UAE) government-accredited recruitment agency to ensure the protection of Filipino household service workers.

Under strict regulation by UAE’s Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE), Tadbeer Centers was given the sole authority to hire Filipino hoiusehold service workers in 19 categories ranging from driver to nannies.

Thus, Tadbeer played an important role in the implementation of the Philippines and UAE agreement on the resumption of the deployment of domestic workers from the Philippines through a legal and regular pathway, since the suspension in 2014.

In commemoration of International Labor Day and in line with the Philippines and UAE’s partnership in protecting domestic workers’ rights and to guarantee dignity of labor, Philippine Ambassador to UAE Hjayceelyn M. Quintana paid a visit to a Tadbeer Center in Abu Dhabi.

“After seven years, we have successfully resumed the regular and legal deployment of Filipino domestic workers to the UAE. Having been part of the negotiations, I have seen how hard we all worked for this, therefore I am sure that both countries will remain vigilant in ensuring the protection of Filipino workers and their Emirati employers against unscrupulous people intent on violating the rules and trampling on the worker’s rights for profit,” said Amb.

During the visit, which was facilitated by MOHRE, Mr. Mostafa Bakhit, Customer Service Manager of the Tadbeer Center at the World Trade Center Mall in Abu Dhabi responded to the Ambassador’s in-depth queries on the procedures in place for the protection of workers such as living quarters arrangements and training prior to deployment, as well as grievance settlement mechanisms. She expressed hope that the Tadbeer Centers will be the Embassy’s close partners in managing Filipino HSWs’ concerns, with professionalism and compassion.

While procedures and timelines for deployment will necessarily be affected by COVID-19 restrictions in both the Philippines and the UAE, the two sides expressed commitment in ensuring the success of the deployment.

Accompanying the Ambassador during the visit were Labor Attache Manuel Dimaano, Consul General Marford Angeles, and Consul Cynthia Pelayo.