
Remains of V-2 rocket unearthed in England

October 17, 2021 People's Tonight 425 views

Posted on Sunday, 10 October, 2021

Rocket1The V-2 rocket was a deadly, unstoppable force. Image Credit: YouTube / The Space Archive

The debris from one of the rockets the Nazis once used to rain fear and death upon the UK has been found in Kent.

Designed by German scientists during World War II, the V-2 (or Vergeltungswaffe 2) rocket was created as a way to get revenge on the Allies following the bombing of German cities.

In total, more than 3,000 of them were launched, resulting in the deaths of over 9,000 people.

Unlike the V-1 ‘flying bomb’ which could be shot down or intercepted, however, the V-2 was practically unstoppable – making it a particular terrifying and deadly weapon.

Fast-forward to the present day and now a team of archaeologists has uncovered the remains of one of the V-2 rockets that was fired at the city of London.

This particular rocket, which exploded on February 14th, 1945, left a huge field of debris strewn across the countryside near the small village of Platt.

In total, more than 800kg of metal debris – including the rocket’s combustion chamber – has been recovered from the site which today is covered in farmland.

It is believed that nobody was killed when the rocket exploded, however one woman who lived nearby later reported that the noise from the blast had damaged her hearing.

The pieces will now be catalogued and conserved to help learn more about the event.

It is expected that the work will take up to 18 months.

Source: Live Science