
Romualdez: One day not enough to honor mothers

May 14, 2023 Ryan Ponce Pacpaco 292 views

SFMR pays tribute to mom Juliette, wife Rep. Yedda, all mothers of the world

SPEAKER Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez on Sunday recognized the supreme sacrifce of all mothers across the world in ensuring a better life for their children.

He paid tribute to all mothers Sunday as they greeted them a happy Mother’s Day and wished them with joy and contentment in their lives.

“I join the whole world in celebrating the life of that very, very special person who has sacrificed a lot to see us all succeed, put our needs first before their own, and seek our highest good no matter the costs for them,” Speaker Romualdez said.

The Speaker also thanked his Mama Juliette and his wife, Tingog Party-list Rep. Yedda Marie K. Romualdez for their immeasurable and incomparable acts of love in norturing and ensuring the growth and development of their children.

“I am speaking about our mothers – mama, mom, inay, ina – who we dearly love for giving us the best of their love and lives. My own mother, Mama Juliette has made us her children and her apos the center of her universe! And I also pay tribute to my wife, Tingog Party-list Rep. Yedda Marie K. Romualdez, who is a devoted mother to our four children,” he said.

“To all mothers of the world, one day is not enough to recognize your contributions to nation-building and making our world a better place. We appreciate your loving and gracious efforts to bring out the best in your children and lift them up to the greatest heights,” Speaker Romualdez said.

“We thank you for everything! Today and every day is Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day sa inyong lahat!” Speaker Romualdez added.