Senator Robinhood Padilla

MTRCB to Congress: Enhance our mandate

March 7, 2023 PS Jun M. Sarmiento 223 views

SENATOR Robinhood “Robin” Padilla presided over the Committee on Public Information and Mass Media’s public hearing Monday, March 6, 2023, on several measures which seek to enhance the capabilities, mandate, and organizational structure of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) and to regulate video and online games and outdoor media.

In seeking to update the powers and mandate of the MTRCB, Padilla sought the position of concerned agencies on the extension of the term of the chairperson, vice chairperson, and board members of the agency, and flexibility in spending the agency’s income, expanding the MTRCB’s mandate to include movies and television programs in streaming and online platforms; and, the amendment of quasi-judicial functions and additional powers of the MTRCB, such as the hearing of administrative cases.

Padilla clarified that it is the committee’s intention “for the MTRCB to uphold their mandate for the intelligent and responsible viewing of every Filipino family.”

MTRCB Chairperson Lala Sotto-Antonio, who was present during the hearing, appealed to the Committee on Public Information and Mass Media chaired by Padilla for the enhancement of the Board’s mandate.

Sotto-Antonio explained why there is a need to update the duties and responsibilities of the Board. “The MTRCB was created to assist the motion picture industry in creating a culture of authentic and responsible self-regulation.

However, it is currently faced with challenges due to its outdated charter, which has remained unchanged since 1985, Sotto-Antonio said.

“Our limited jurisdiction hinders the Board to address the increasing number of complaints on inappropriate content exhibited through online streaming platforms. We believe it is an opportune time to review and define the powers of the Board to attain its purpose,” she added.