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UFCC: Why the rush?

May 20, 2024 People's Tonight 117 views

A CONSUMERS’ group has questioned the alleged attempt to rush the franchise renewal of a power distributor.

United Filipino Consumers and Commuters (UFCC) said the bid to renew Manila Electric Company’s (Meralco) franchise four years ahead of its expiry is happening just when Meralco customers are feeling the weight of increasing electricity rates as a result of increased demand.

Rodolfo Javellana Jr., UFCC president, questioned the need to push for the renewal of Meralco’s franchise four years ahead.

Javellana’s group has been advocating consumers’ rights.

“It is proper to ask first Meralco consumers if they are happy with the service provided by Meralco,” Javellana said.

“For the UFCC, it is important for consumers to have a say in the matter,” he added.

“On the part of the ERC, did it conduct a so-called ‘thorough audit’ for Meralco’s performance?” Javellana said, referring to the Energy Regulatory Commission.

Should there be proof of overcharging, Javellana stressed that calls to renew the Meralco franchise ahead of time should be junked immediately.