
Tolentino backs pilot-testing of internet voting for Pinoys abroad

June 30, 2024 People's Journal 66 views

SENATE Majority Leader Francis ‘Tol’ Tolentino expressed his full support to the efforts of the Commission on Elections to pilot test internet voting for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in the 2025 mid-term polls.

In his morning radio program, ‘Usapang Tol,’ the senator commended Comelec chair George Garcia, who explained how the poll governing body will implement internet-based voting for the first time in next year’s elections.

Tolentino then joined the Comelec chief in appealing to OFWs to register as overseas absentee voters before the September 30 deadline.

He also asked the poll body to step up its information dissemination campaign to educate overseas Filipinos about the requirements and mechanics of online voting.

“Online voting has been my advocacy for a long time because many Filipinos abroad are disenfranchised and deprived of the right to suffrage every election. I even wrote a book about this, and I am very happy that it will now be realized,” stated the senator.

He cited the struggle of Filipino seafarers, many of whom he said are unable to cast their vote because they are on duty at sea most of the time.

For his part, Garcia shared the operational difficulties of voting by mail, since many ballots are missent or not received, and end up being mailed back to Philippine embassies and consular posts.

“This is great news for our kababayans abroad. Internet voting, which is strongly being pushed by Senator Tolentino, will soon allow our OFWs to cast their vote using their cellphone, laptop, or tablet,” said the Comelec chair.