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PASAHERO calls for suspension of excise tax on oil products consumed by public transport, households

February 26, 2022 People's Journal 774 views

THE PASAHERO is urging the government to suspend excise tax on select petroleum products, particularly those being consumed by public transport and households, in a bid to help consumers weather the effects of inflation.

PASAHERO party-list founder Allan Yap said that suspending excise tax on diesel, kerosene and liquified petroleum gas could somehow help manage the domino effect of soaring oil costs on the prices of basic goods and services.

“The relief to consumers can be easily effected through a suspension of tax on oil products since transport, housing, water, electricity and gas account for a big portion of consumer spending,” Yap pointed out.

He noted that transportation accounts for 7.81 percent of consumer spending, while consumers spend around 22.47 percent for housing, water, electricity and gas.

“Thus, a suspension on excise tax on select petroleum products can help ease inflation,” Yap pointed out.

Yap said the partylist likewise supports the call of some lawmakers for government to also consider suspending the 12% Value Added Tax (VAT) on oil products, specifically for public utility vehicles.

This is not the first time PASAHERO Partylist called for suspension of fuel excise tax.

Last November, the partylist group joined the growing calls for the suspension of excise tax on fuel products as oil prices continue to soar against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The proposed suspension, it said, could provide relief not only to motorists, but also the general public.

“Suspending the imposition of fuel excise tax will help Filipino families recover from the hardships of the pandemic,” Yap said.

Yap warned that the continuous upward trend in fuel prices has burned a hole in people’s pockets apart from shooting up input cost on agriculture and industrial sectors.

“Prices of other essential commodities also increase with rise in fuel prices, and this expenditure disturbs the overall budget of Filipino families who are still reeling from the adverse impacts of COVID-19,” he stressed.

PASAHERO Partylist, also known as the Passengers and Riders Organization Inc., is a non-stock and non-profit organization that seeks to represent the riding public in road, sea, and air including tricycle operators and drivers all over the Philippines.

It is one of at least 165 partylist groups declared by the Commission on Elections as eligible to participate in the forthcoming general elections.