

June 29, 2024 Jester P. Manalastas 54 views

THE National Unity Party (NUP) has sealed alliance with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s Partido Federal ng Pilipinas (PFP).

In a statement, NUP President and Camarines Sur Rep. LRay Villafuerte said this alliance is “logical conclusion” of the party’s two-year close working partnership with the Chief Executive and his administration, in pursuit of his lofty vision of better lives for all Filipinos.

The alliance, which was formally sealed on Saturday at the Manila Golf and Country Club in Makati City, serves as a “splendid opportunity” for both parties along with other like-minded groups “to work together on advancing a Bagong Pilipinas that promises a robust and inclusive growth and development for all Filipinos.”

This alliance “marks another watershed in the history of Philippine electoral politics,” and “best illustrates that true-blue members of different mainstream political parties, given the right motivation or inspiration, can transcend partisan politics or personal interests in pursuit of the long-aspired genuine transformation of our public governance, our economy, and our society,” Villafuerte said.

He pointed out that the NUP “shares the President’s vision for a prosperous and peaceful Bagong Pilipinas where no Filipino is left behind.

“We are thus proud to seal a formal alliance with the PFP as a splendid opportunity for both parties along with other like-minded groups to work together on advancing a new Philippines that promises a robust and inclusive growth and development for all Filipinos,” he said.

As the second biggest political group in the Congress, “the NUP has played a significant role in helping our President and his Administration pursue and attain deep and fundamental transformations over the past two years, leading to post-pandemic recovery,” he said.