
New PNP officers

November 9, 2023 People's Tonight 263 views

UNKNOWN to many Filipinos, the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) is not the only source of new police commissioned officers.

The PNPA is the country’s premier police school, while the Baguio City-based Philippine Military Academy (PMA) is the premier military training school.

There is the so-called “Lateral Entry Program” under which other professionals, like lawyers and medical doctors, are inducted into the PNP officer corps.

Last Wednesday, November 8, a total of 43 technical professionals were sworn into office as new police commissioned officers.

PNP chief Gen. Benjamin Acorda Jr. administered the oath of office of the new officers in simple ceremonies held at Camp Crame in Quezon City.

They included 14 chemists, 8 medical doctors, 6 lawyers, 5 dentists, 5 psychologists, 2 geodetic engineers, a priest, a medico-legal officer and an electronics engineer.

Those recruited under the PNP’s “Lateral Entry Program,” men and women, are expected to uphold the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.

In a speech, General Acorda, an Ilocano like President Marcos, called on the new police officers to serve with resilience and a deep sense of purpose.

As you embark on your new roles, he said, always remember that you are not alone because you are now part of a larger family, which is the PNP family.

By joining the PNP, which is civilian in nature but national in scope, the 43 officers serve as the bridge between the rule of law and those who seek its protection.