NBI NBI Deputy Director for Investigation Service (DDInvS) Vicente De Guzman III

NBI probes online scam using PJI

July 7, 2021 Hector Lawas 1250 views

THE National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) is set to conduct a formal investigation into an online scam being perpetrated by ‘shadowy individuals’ using the name of Journal Group of Publication publisher and editor-in-chief, Mr. Augusto B. Villanueva to threaten and solicit from supposed advertisers.

This, as the media company, which publishes popular newspapers People’s Journal and People’s Tonight, among other publications, with its official website journalnews.com.ph sought the NBI’s assistance in unmasking the real identities of the culprits behind the scam.

A letter-request for assistance was sent on Wednesday to NBI Deputy Director for Investigation Service (DDInvS) Vicente De Guzman III.

“The Journal Group has already sought the assistance of the Philippine National Police and has warned the public through published and online articles regarding the scam.”

“Unfortunately, the scammers continue to target individuals with their illicit activity. We hope that the culprits would be unmasked and penalized soon with the assistance and investigation from the NBI,” the letter reads in part.

Also, a copy of the letter was also forwarded to the Department of Justice-Office of the Cybercrime for appropriate action and assistance.

Earlier, the Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP-ACG) launched an investigation into the online scam.

“We are investigating this latest online scam and at the same time warning the public to be wary of the existence of such illegal activity. With the help of the public, we are confident we can identify and arrest the suspects behind this scam,” said PNP-ACG director, Brigadier General Robert T. Rodriguez.

The scammers created the fake ‘journal peoples<peoplesjournalnewspaper@gmailcom> address to victimize the public, the PNP-ACG learned.

The scammers’ modus operandi is simple. Using the name of Mr. Villanueva, they will send an e-mail notice to companies they have been targeting, claiming that the newspaper outfit has received a Notice to the Public which will bring negative publicity to the concerned company.

The suspects are believed to be targeting people with delinquent payments on their credit cards or bank loans and using the personal information of their targets, would call the attention of their company’s human resource department and warn them of a forthcoming negative publicity thru Paid Ads in order for them to come across their monetary demands.

One particular e-mail message sent to a target read as follows:

“We received a paid ad “NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC” against xxxxxxxx dragging the name of xxxxxxxxxxxxx, indicating that there is a pending case violation of ARTICLE 315 OF THE REVISED PENAL CODE/R.A. 8484 Access Device. We noticed that it will bring negative publicity against you and the company that is why we are informing you. It will be Publish for 3 consecutive Sundays and paid by a certain xxxxxxxxx.

The Journal Group has officially denied sending the emails out. “It’s a scam. It wasn’t’ sent by our office,” it said.

The crime of estafa or swindling under Article 315 or the RPC may be committed thru different forms including one with unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence; by means of false pretenses or fraudulent acts; and through fraudulent means.

The crime carries a minimum penalty of P10,000 and an imprisonment of not less than 12 years and not more than 20 years.