
Marbil warns men against moonlighting

June 30, 2024 Alfred P. Dalizon 95 views

PHILIPPINE National Police chief General Rommel Francisco D. Marbil yesterday reminded members of the 232,000-strong force to refrain from ‘moonlighting’ activities which prevents them from doing their real job to serve and protect the people.

The top cop issued the reminder as he issued a directive reminding police officers to refrain from moonlighting as bodyguards for private individuals to ensure that police personnel are always available to respond promptly to citizens’ complaints and emergencies.

“Our duty is to ensure the safety of our citizens. Police must be available at all times to address the needs and concerns of the public. By prohibiting moonlighting, we are reinforcing our commitment to quick and efficient response to any situation,” Gen. Marbil said.

Since last month, over a dozen offenders of Gen. Marbil’s order versus moonlighting cops and unauthorized bodyguards have been apprehended by the police.

Four of them were accosted by the PNP Highway Patrol Group headed by Brigadier Gen. Jay R. Cumigad while the rest were apprehended and are now being investigated by the PNP Civil Security Group under Major Gen. Edgar Alan O. Okubo.

Thirteen of those apprehended by members of the PNP Supervisory Office for Security and Investigation Agencies and the Police Security Protection Group under Brig. Gen. Rogelio P. Simon was found to be unauthorized bodyguards of VIPs in Metro Manila.

Gen. Marbil ordered the crackdown on unauthorized Protection Agents providing close-security protection to both foreign and Filipino clients.

At the same time, the PNP chief said they are allocating more resources and enhancing their capabilities to combat the growing threat of cybercrimes.

Reports indicated that cybercrime cases rose by 21.84 percent in the first quarter of 2024 from the previous year, with online selling scams, credit card fraud, and investment scams being the top offenses.

The PNP Anti-Cybercrime Grrup said that increased online activity, sophisticated cybercrime tactics, and the public’s lack of awareness could be the causes of the rise in cybercrimes.

Gen. Marbil also announced a major crackdown on illegal firearms, illegal drugs, and private armed groups ahead of the 2025 national and local elections, with 85 percent of the PNP force dedicated to field duties.

The PNP will increase checkpoints and patrols while “cyber cops” focus on internet crimes, he said.

The top cop also encouraged the public to report any police abuse and reach out to the PNP through these hotlines: PNP Hotline: 117 or 911, Anti-Cybercrime Group: (02) 414-1560 and Internal Affairs Service: (02) 723-0401 to 20.

“Your safety is our priority, and your feedback is essential in helping us improve our services. Together, we can build a safer and more secure community,” he said.