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Marbil orders increased police visibility

June 19, 2024 People's Journal 119 views

PHILIPPINE National Police chief Gen. Rommel Francisco D. Marbil yesterday ordered a nationwide intensification of patrol operations across all regional, provincial, city, and municipal police stations as part of ongoing efforts to make Filipino communities safer.

In a statement, Marbil said part of the directive is for 85 percent of all police personnel to be actively engaged in field duties, significantly reducing the number of officers assigned to office work.

“This increased deployment of PNP personnel for patrolling is crucial in safeguarding community well-being. We are committed to making our communities safer by ensuring a strong police presence in public spaces. This initiative is designed to not only prevent crime but also to build trust and rapport with the communities we serve,” Marbil said.

The key elements of the directive include foot and motorcycle patrols, Oplan Galugad, and Oplan Sita, meant to enhance visibility and ensure rapid response across the country.

The initiative is in line with the instruction of Local Government Secretary Benjamin C. Abalos Jr., Marbil added.

Under the directive, officers will conduct regular foot patrols in urban centers, residential areas, and other high-traffic locations to maintain a visible presence and engage directly with community members; while rapid-response motorcycle units will patrol key areas to ensure swift mobility and the ability to quickly respond to incidents and emergencies.

Meanwhile, Oplan Galugad operations will focus on thorough searches and inspections in designated areas, particularly those known for high crime rates, to disrupt and dismantle criminal activities while Oplan Sita will involve systematic checkpoints and routine stops to check for legal compliance and prevent movement of contraband and illegal items.

Marbil called upon all police officers to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and community engagement during these operations. Philippine News Agency