
Marbil orders crackdown on private armies, guns, drugs

June 26, 2024 Alfred P. Dalizon 104 views

PHILIPPINE National Police chief General Rommel Francisco D. Marbil yesterday ordered an intensified campaign against private armed groups and illegal drugs and firearms ahead of the 2025 mid-term elections.

According to the top cop, as part of their preparations for the 2025 national and local elections, it is very important to target illegal firearms, drugs and PAGs that could disrupt the democractic process.

“Our commitment is to safeguard the democratic process and ensure that the upcoming elections are conducted in a secure environment. By cracking down on illegal firearms, drug syndicates, and armed groups, we aim to protect our citizens and uphold the rule of law,” Gen. Marbil said as he urged the public to support their efforts by reporting all illegal activities in the streets and their neighborhoods to the police as soon as possible.

The PNP chief said as part of their 2025 election efforts, they are working closely with local government units and other law enforcement agencies.

“This collaborative effort will focus on conducting frequent operations in hotspots of illegal activities. Measures include increased checkpoints, legitimate police operations based on credible intelligence, and community awareness programs to encourage public reporting of suspicious activities,” he said.

Gen. Marbil stressed the importance of taking decisive action to dismantle networks that enable illegal firearms, drugs, and private armed groups to operate.

He highlighted that this comprehensive effort involves intelligence operations, community cooperation, and strict law enforcement.

The PNP chief said that aligned with the national policy on substance abuse, the PNP will enhance its coordination with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency and support community-based rehabilitation programs. The approach aims to address the detrimental effects of illegal drugs on society, he said.

Following his directive to assign 85 percent of the force to field duties, Gen. Marbil said the PNP will also deploy additional resources and personnel to identified election areas of concern.

This includes implementing checkpoints and patrols in critical areas, heightening intelligence operations against PAGs and the illegal drug trade, and enforcing stricter measures by the PNP Civil Security Group and the Firearms and Explosives Office to account for legitimate and loose firearms in high-risk areas, he explained.

Gen. Marbil noted that this campaign is part of broader reforms and strategic initiatives aimed at making the PNP more community-centric and enhancing its capabilities in crime prevention and response.

“Illegal firearms and private armed groups pose a significant threat to public safety and the integrity of our elections. By removing these threats, we are not only ensuring a safer campaign period but also instilling confidence in our electoral system,” he said.

“ We urge the public to cooperate with the authorities by providing information that can help us locate and apprehend those involved in these illegal activities. Together, we can uphold the rule of law and safeguard our democracy,” the PNP chief added.