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Hog raiser hacked by poultry helper

July 11, 2023 Jojo C. Magsombol 218 views

CAMP GENERAL MIGUEL MALVAR, Batangas – A hog raiser is in serious condition at the hospital after he was hacked several times by a poultry helper on Saturday night in Bgy. Mabato, Rosario, Batangas.

A report by Batangas Police Provincial Director Col. Samson Belgica Belmonte to Police Regional Office 4A Director Brig. Gen. Carlito M. Gaces indicated that the victim was a 48-year-old hog raiser and a resident of Bgy. Mabato.

Responding lawmen arrested the suspect, a 29-year-old poultry helper residing in the same village.

Prior to the hacking, the victim and the suspect were seen walking after having drinks at a friend’s house in the barangay.

The two then sat under a tree when the suspect’s uncle arrived and told his nephew to arrange the dispute between him and the suspect’s father.

The victim advised the suspect to help settle the problem but instead of heeding to the victim’s recommendation, the suspect got irked and got bolo from a nearby house and hacked the victim repeatedly.

The suspect fled after the hacking but was arrested by the police in a follow-up operation.