
Gov’t climate change plan on track — DENR chief

June 29, 2024 Joel dela Torre 57 views

THE government’s action plan on climate change and its support mechanisms are gaining headway, Environment Secretary Maria Antonia Loyzaga reported.

Loyzaga said that the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and its companion measure, the Nationally Determined Contribution Plan (NDCIP) are now in full swing to address the impacts of the climate change.

The NAP and NDCIP according to Loyzaga, also make local governments adapt to it to become resilient.

A forum themed, “Mobilizing support for the NAP and NDCIP, was recently held to mobilize support for the two government plans and at the same time put a premium on strategically coordinating the assistance and investments of development partners and financial institutions to achieve mitigation and adaptation goals.

The DENR chief hailed the forum as “an opportunity to work alongside like-minded countries who abide by a rules-based international order to achieve inclusive and climate-resilient development and contribute to international stability by reducing regional and global risks.”

“This will ensure that adaptation and mitigation can be embedded across sectors, scales, and geographies,” Loyzaga said at the June 20 forum held in Makati City.

The Philippines is one of the only 56 countries that have submitted their NAP to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Secretary Loyzaga, the official representative of the President to the CCC, said the support being established with the development partners would be aligned with priorities in the climate action, namely protection and regeneration of blue and green ecosystems, building climate-resilient communities, transition to clean energy, water and food security.

It will also be aligned with responsible and sustainable mineral resource development, investing in gray and green infrastructure, value-generating digitalization, and creation of more green and blue jobs.

Citing President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s instruction, Secretary Loyzaga reiterated that the value of the NAP and NDCIP “must be translated to the benefit of communities,” and that these plans must be disseminated aggressively among local governments and communities.”