
Electoral reforms

March 16, 2023 People's Tonight 226 views

SEN. Imee R. Marcos has filed a bill in the 24-member Senate that reflects the people’s concern over certain provisions of the country’s Omnibus Election Code (OEC).

Ms. Marcos, chair  of the Senate committee on  electoral reforms and people’s participation, described some OEC provisions as “outrightly ill-suited for modern times.”

She noted that the country’s more than 30 years old election code should adapt to the advancements in technology.

The outspoken senator filed Senate Bill (SB) No. 179 two years before the nation’s electorate goes to the polls anew in 2025 to elect national and local government officials.

People share the view of Marcos that there’s a need to update the existing laws that allow the government, through the Commission on Elections, to conduct automated polls.

“At times, the election results to controversies, making the electoral landscape unnecessarily contentious and contradictory,” according to the senator from Ilocos Norte.

And we agree with the Presidential sister that revising and re-codifying our election laws will make future electoral exercises more transparent, fair, honest and credible.

In fact, regulations and limitations under the present election code have proven inadequate to realistically ensure a more level-playing field for candidates.

Admittedly, we need to revise the decades-old OEC and re-codify the now scattered poll statutes and  assemble them into one coherent, unified and extensive legislation.

Thus, let’s act  now and fast.