
Delisted voters

May 19, 2024 People's Tonight 114 views

THE Commission on Elections (Comelec) hopes to register three million more voters for the 2025 national and local polls.

Note that the ongoing nationwide general registration of voters, which started last February 12, ends on September 30.

But the poll body, chaired by lawyer George Erwin Garcia, has removed from the List of Registered Voters, 4.2 million electors.

That’s why we doff our hat to Garcia for calling on the delisted voters to register anew, noting the importance of the coming political exercise.

Voters go to the polls anew in 2025 to elect 12 senators, more than 300 congressmen and thousands of local government officials.

Everybody agrees that the Macos administration and the political opposition want to control the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Of course, they also want their local candidates to emerge victorious in preparation for the May 2028 national and local ballotings.

That’s why administration and opposition leaders are also active in urging the country’s qualified voters to go out and register.

Election officials said they deactivated the more than four million registered voters due to various reasons.

Many were delisted because of their failure to vote in two successive regular elections – the 2022 polls and the BSKE in December 2023.

Rid the government of corrupt, lazy and incompetent public servants by participating in next year’s national and local elections.

As well-meaning Filipinos, let us exercise our right of suffrage.