Custom The Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service-Manila International Container Port seized the smuggled items, which include unregistered PPE, face masks and face shields, at a storage facility in Binondo, Manila.

BOC seized P150M unregistered face masks, shields

May 8, 2021 People's Tonight 317 views

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) apprehended some P150 million worth of unregistered personal protective equipment (PPE) as well as fake luxury clothing, beauty products and toys during an operation for the agency’s intensified efforts against smuggling and counterfeiting.

Alvin Enciso, chief of Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service-Manila International Container Port (CIIS-MICP), led the seizure of the smuggled items at a storage facility in Binondo, Manila last May 5.

He said that based on the initial inventory of goods, which was led by the Customs examiner and witnessed by CIIS, Enforcement and Security Service and the Philippine Coast Guard, the estimated value of goods is around P150 million.

“In our initial inspection, we found boxes of cosmetic and beauty products, unregistered Aidelai face masks, Heng De face shields, clothing, toys, cellphone cases, and many others,” Enciso reported.

The bureau will investigate the total amount of the goods for the possible filing of charges under Section 1400 of Republic Act 10863 or the Customs Modernization Act.

Customs Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero, who signed the Letter of Authority (LOA) for the operation, underscored the importance of ensuring only authentic PPE items are being sold and distributed in the market.

This isn’t the first time the bureau apprehended a storage facility or warehouse with fake PPEs and COVID-19 medicines. Guerrero has reiterated the need for the agency to strengthen its resolve to stop such illegal operations in light of the reopening of the country’s economy.

Upon Guerrero’s guidance, together with the MICP leadership, Enciso said they will lead the way in tightening border security and anti-smuggling operations.

“This is alarming because people will think they’re protected from the virus by wearing face masks and face shields that turned out to be counterfeit items. These can put many lives in jeopardy since people trust these items to do as advertised,” he said.

As the one leading the operations, the CIIS-MICP chief also stressed the importance of ensuring proper protocols are observed when serving the LOA to the representatives of the storage facilities and warehouses.

“We also made sure to have proper coordination with the local barangay and the PNP before proceeding with our operations,” Enciso said.