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Be careful when engaging in online transactions

October 20, 2022 Mario Fetalino Jr. 245 views

Mario FetalinoONE should be careful before engaging in online transactions.

A network of digital advocates recently bared the alleged wrongdoings of an online shopping platform to the detriment of its customers, sellers and in-house delivery riders.

Digital Pinoys national campaigner Ronald Gustilo said community members are complaining about the e-commerce platform’s alleged inactions to complaints.

Many customers are not accepting the parcels anymore and have been requesting refunds even though the items were shipped out on time, Gustilo said.

To make matters worse, the sellers are shouldering the cost of the return despite it being the fault of the platform’s system, he added.

Gustilo said several sellers are complaining that some of their parcels were tampered before reaching the customers.

A seller reported the issue but the platform never acted on the complaint. The platform was also urged to refund payment but the call allegedly fell on deaf ears.

“The shopping platform should act on these complaints immediately and investigate how the parcels were tampered,” Gustilo said.

“It should also compensate the sellers. They are paying fees to be able to sell in the platform and they deserve to have a good service as well. The e-commer platform can start by taking action on the complaints,” he added.

Delivery riders are also taking the brunt of the dilemma as they are the ones being confronted by customers.

According to them, many customers are refusing to accept the parcels causing a negative record on the riders’ performance rating which cuts their incentives.

“It wasn’t the rider’s fault that the parcels got delayed. Yet their performance ratings get affected. This should change. Delivery riders deserve fair treatment,” Gustilo said.

Gustilo is asking the online shopping platform to immediately resolve the issues being raised by their stakeholders before they blow out of proportion.

Earlier, the shopping platform drew flak after it hired a brand ambassador despite laying off workers.

“The shopping platform should face the music and fix what needs to be fixed. Those complaining are the ones giving them revenues. Where will they be without the sellers, shoppers and riders?” he said.

The online shopping firm should act now before it’s too late.


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