
Atienza: There is no perfect marriage

June 29, 2024 Ryan Ponce Pacpaco 52 views

FORMER Deputy Speaker and BUHAY Partylist Rep. Lito Atienza has warned the senators not to join the stampede created by the divorce bill.

“Do not join the stampede created by the divorce bill because that is artificial, it is not what Filipinos see as the solution to their marital problems. Approving it would violate the basic law of the land—The Constitution. We, as lawmakers should follow the Constitution and not violate it. There are already laws which address some of the reasons the proponents use as basis for the divorce law such as violence against women and children. Abusive husbands and fathers can be jailed for violating existing laws,” Atienza said.

Atienza cited the Constitutional provisions specifically Article II, Section 12, where the State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family. Likewise, the Constitution under Article XV, Sections 1 and 2 recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation of the nation and that Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the foundation of the family and shall be protected by the State.

“They should consult the framers of the present Constitution. If they insist on passing this law, we will take it all the way to the Supreme Court. We will also question the legality of the manner in which the bill was approved. In our nine years as a lawmaker, this is the first time we have seen a measure approved on the floor, with the number of votes being changed after the session had been adjourned—all just to satisfy the required number of majority votes. If this had happened during my time as a Congressman, I would have questioned it right there and then,” Atienza added.

Atienza has consistently spoken out against anti-life measures including the divorce bill. In his nine years in Congress he has successfully blocked these bills at the committee level.

Atienza who has been married for 58 years, admited that there is no perfect marriage, specially in the union of two people with different personalities. But the love and respect for each other allows couples to work out their differences within the home, to preserve their marriage and protect the welfare of their children.

“Divorce violates the law of God and our country, let’s disregard it. We should be proud of the fact that aside from the Vatican, we are the only country in the world that prohibits divorce. Dapat ipagmalaki natin ito dahil pinaninindigan natin ang tama, hindi gaya ng sinasabi ng mga pro-divorce na napag-iiwanan na tayo ng mundo,” Atienza stressed.