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Alternative to police clearance in transactions with DOLE urged

April 22, 2021 Jun I. Legaspi 415 views

THE proposed Philippine National Police (PNP) police clearance for transactions with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) threaten industrial peace in the country, said the country’s largest labor unions federation.

PNP chief Police General Debold Sinas is proposing to the DOLE to require police clearance in all its transactions to augment its National Police Clearance System (NPCS).

However, ALU National Executive Vice President Gerard Seno said requiring workers police clearance in transactions with DOLE is an additional government bureaucratic layer which is an additional cost and burden to workers.

“From the looks of it, the proposed police clearance in DOLE transactions would further delay the injustice among aggrieved workers and would drive away those seeking redress in DOLE’s conciliation, mediation and dispute resolution and workplace inspection processes and many other services of DOLE and its attached agencies.” said Seno.

Seno emphasized that these processes are important in holding together the industrial peace needed to make our economy productive and competitive.

Rather than requiring police clearance in transactions with DOLE, Seno proposed to the PNP to instead consolidate its local police clearance system to its national clearance system by talking with the local government units and the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG).