
Achieving herd immunity

December 18, 2021 People's Tonight 274 views

LIKE other countries across the globe, the Philippines, with a population of more than 110 million, hopes to attain “herd immunity” by the end of the year or early 2022.

This it will do by speeding up the tempo of its nationwide and multi-pronged vaccination drive against the dreaded and deadly coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Of course, it is certainly heartening to know that the government, with the help of the private sector, has already fully inoculated 43 million people, including the elderly.

“Herd or population immunity,” which is a form of indirect protection from infectious ailments, occurs when majority of the population is immune to a disease or virus.

Malacañang has cited the health department, the National Vaccination Operations Center, the National Task Force Against COVID-19, local governments and private partners for a job well done.

“This is indeed a showcase of the true ‘bayanihan’ spirit. Congratulations to all,” said acting Presidential Spokesperson Karlo Nograles, who is a former congressman from Davao.

And aware of the emergence of the new COVID-19 variant “Omicron,” the young Nograles was quick to warn the still beleaguered Filipino people against complacency.

However, the presidential spokesman assured the public that government officials would continue to ramp up vaccination efforts not only in the metropolis but elsewhere.

In the view of many quarters, what is important now is for all Filipinos, including those running for public office in next year’s national and local polls, to “work in unison.”

As a top official of the World Health Organization (WHO) said, these candidates should come together and advocate vaccination regardless of their political ideology.