Philippine and Japan

A welcome grant

November 21, 2023 People's Tonight 379 views

WE welcome the help of the Japanese government in bringing down agricultural production costs in the Philippines.

Of course, this is one way of boosting the income of our beleaguered farmers not only in Luzon but also in the Visayas and impoverished Mindanao.

Last Monday, Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Koshikawa Kazuhiko officially inked a grant contract valued at P33.54 million to the country.

The grant is for the third phase of the “Safe Vegetable Production Technological Dissemination and Vegetable Distribution System Improvement Project” in Luzon.

Poised to catalyze agricultural progress in the region, the agricultural project is in collaboration with a Japanese non-government organization (NGO).

The NGO is the Japan Agricultural Exchange Council (JAEC), said the Japanese Embassy in Manila in a press statement.

The project aims to disseminate the Japanese technology of applying charcoal, wood, vinegar and compost produced by locally available vegetables.

The embassy envisions widespread benefits across the Philippines, bringing Japanese farming technology to the country’s various regions, the statement said.

Clearly, the Japanese government is committed to empowering the Filipino farmers.