
Cayetano hits delayed distribution of ayuda

August 8, 2021 Ryan Ponce Pacpaco 406 views

FORMER Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano has expressed disappointment on the government’s delayed distribution of ‘ayuda’ to Filipino families in Metro Manila since the implementation of the two-week enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) last August 6.

Cayetano said the assistance should have been given as early as last Monday for a more effective and efficient ECQ.

“Papalabasin pa natin ang mga tao [habang may ECQ],” Cayetano said before the Balik sa Tamang Serbisyo (BTS) Sari-Saring Pag-Asa Event. “I hope this is the last ECQ. If not, I hope it is well-planned.”

He said the government should not underestimate the hardships of the Filipino people.

Last August 6, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) released P10.89 billion in cash assistance from government savings for nearly 11 million Metro Manila residents.

Cayetano said it is “not true” that government has no funds for further assistance, emphasizing that the government has always found ways to fund projects to address the pandemic such as Bayanihan 1 and 2.

“Pang-ahon, hindi pantawid lamang,” Cayetano said.

Cayetano, who has been going around various areas in the country to distribute P10,000 in cash assistance to select individuals under his Sampung-Libong Pag-Asa initiative, called on the government to do more for the Filipinos.

“Let’s give them 10,000 pesos, not 10,000 excuses,” he said.

The BTS Sari-Saring Pag-Asa Event is a live virtual event which aims to provide aid to small business owners in order to give them a chance to recover their losses and continue thriving during the pandemic.

Cayetano was joined by Anakalusugan party-list Rep. Michael Defensor and Batangas Rep. Raneo Abu in the event.

He presented data which show that in the one year and four months or 507 days of community lockdown, 3.73 million Filipinos lost their jobs and over 2.7 million Filipinos are in poverty.

The former Speaker also said 10% of micro businesses closed down due to the pandemic.

The House leader and his allies filed the 10K Ayuda Bill on February 1 with the aim of providing P10,000 in cash aid to every Filipino family to help them buy their daily needs and start a small business.