Zaldy Co

Co seeks to address pressing concerns surrounding DICT

May 28, 2023 Ryan Ponce Pacpaco 250 views

AKO Bicol Party-list Rep. Zaldy Co has presided an oversight hearing to address the pressing concerns surrounding the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT).

The hearing focused on the agency’s low budget utilization, outstanding payables to telco companies, and the identified inefficiencies within the former agency officials’ practices.

During the hearing, Co expressed profound concern regarding the mismanagement of funds by the DICT and its detrimental impact on crucial projects.

He emphasized the immediate need for accountability and decisive action to rectify the situation, stating,

“The inefficient use of funds and the failure to honor the agency’s financial obligations are unequivocally unacceptable. We cannot allow such inefficiencies to impede the government’s vital initiatives, including the free public WiFi and national broadband projects,” Co, chairman of the House committee on appropriations, said.

A critical revelation during the hearing was the DICT’s low utilization rate of its allocated budget, which has impeded the progress of essential projects and contributed to the agency’s outstanding payables to telco companies.

Co conscientiously raised concerns about the DICT’s inability to effectively allocate and utilize funds, emphasizing the necessity for a thorough examination of budget management practices.

He stressed the utmost importance of maximizing the utilization of allocated resources to ensure the timely completion of projects and the seamless delivery of essential services to the public.

Co further underlined the significance of efficient fund utilization, stating, “The low utilization of the DICT’s budget is deeply concerning. It is our responsibility to ensure that every peso is optimally leveraged to provide necessary services to our citizens. It is imperative for the DICT to promptly implement effective measures to improve budget utilization and avoid any wastage. We owe it to the public to be responsible stewards of their hard-earned money.”

In light of the hearing, DICT Secretary Ivan Uy and Assistant Secretary Heherson Assidao disclosed that the agency currently holds outstanding payables amounting to approximately P1.3 billion owed to PLDT and Globe for the free public WiFi project.

Co raised pertinent questions about the agency’s low utilization rate, which brought to light these significant outstanding amounts. He emphasized the crucial need to hold those responsible for the mismanagement of funds fully accountable, particularly when their negligence obstructs the delivery of essential services to our citizens.

To ensure strict accountability, Co recommended that Uy pursues legal action by filing a case against the former officials of the DICT who bear responsibility for the mismanagement of funds.

He emphatically stressed the imperative nature of such legal measures to hold these individuals accountable for their actions.

Co firmly stated, “We cannot tolerate the negligence and inefficiency exhibited by these former officials. Filing a case against them is crucial to ensure their full responsibility and the dispensation of justice.”

To address the challenges confronting the DICT, Co proposed that the agency formally request a comprehensive fraud audit by writing a letter to the Chair of the Commission on Audit (CoA).

He strongly expressed belief that the meticulous audit process will serve to identify any irregularities and provide a clearer understanding of the mismanagement that has occurred.

Co emphasized, “By conducting a fraud audit, we can implement necessary measures to restore efficiency within the DICT and safeguard against any future malfeasance.”

Moreover, it came to light during the hearing that out of the initially deployed 11,000 free public WiFi sites, only 3,900 are presently operational due to a lack of budget allocation for renewal during the previous administration.

Co drew attention to the urgent necessity of resolving this matter, stating, “The non-functioning free public WiFi sites unequivocally illustrate the agency’s inefficiency and failure to prioritize the needs of our people. Immediate action must be taken to rectify the situation and ensure the effective utilization of public funds.”

The House committee on appropriations, under the adept leadership of Co, remains unwavering in its commitment to closely monitor the progress made by the DICT.

The committee will diligently work towards ensuring the effective utilization of resources and the timely completion of projects.