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Quake drill set June 8

May 19, 2023 People's Journal 158 views

THE Office of Civil Defense (OCD) yesterday said that the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) for the second quarter would take place on June 8.

In its post on its Facebook page, the OCD said the event would take place at 9 a.m.

It called on the public to participate in the drill, which targets to reduce casualties should a major earthquake strike the country.

“Sabay-sabay tayong mag-duck, cover, and hold dahil Bida ang Handa (Let us all simultaneously do the duck, cover, and hold because it is cool to be prepared),” the OCD said.

The first quarter NSED took place on March 9 with a magnitude 7.2 earthquake as the scenario.

The OCD earlier reminded the public to observe the following steps or protocols when an earthquake occurs:

* When inside a building, stay calm and do the “Duck, Cover and Hold”;

* Duck under a strong table and hold on to it. Stay alert for potential threats;

* Stay away from glass windows, shelves, and heavy objects;

* After the shaking stops, exit the building and go to the designated evacuation area;

* When you are outside, move to an open area, stay away from buildings, trees, electric posts, and landslide-prone areas; and,

* If you are in a moving vehicle, stop and exit the vehicle. Philippine News Agency