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Ukraine and the ‘China factor’

January 26, 2023 Paul M. Gutierrez 243 views

PaulBY the next month of February, the conflict in Ukraine would have entered its first year since the Russian Federation was forced to send its troops on the eastern side of the country to protect its own national survival and that of the oppressed Russian-speaking minority there, in what Russian President Vladimir Putin has described as a ‘special military operation.’

Nearly one year since the entry of Russian forces on February 24, 2022, and far from the delightful initial glee of Western Imperialism headed by the United States that they could use the incident to finally realize their dream of bringing down and dismembering Russia into their own various principalities the way they subdivided Chin more than a century ago, their delight has now turned to dismay, despair, and division.

For one year since, the weight of their combined sanctions has not resulted to the economic collapse of Russia nor the ouster of Putin from power even as Europe continues to tetter into recession.

Worse, their proxy war in Ukraine is dangerously getting close to becoming an open war between Russia and the entire West, what with Ukraine actually unable to beat Russia in the military front.

From other information sources, even a blind man can discern that Russia is winning its campaign in Ukraine and while it is also suffering losses and casualties, the same cannot compare to those being suffered by Ukraine. One retired US military expert estimated the ratio at 1:8 or, for every Russian soldier killed, they take with them 8 Ukrainians.

Even Western military experts have conceded that as far back as October 2022, Russia had already decimated the ‘cream of the crop’ of Ukraine’s officers corps. What was left were raw recruits and yes, NATO soldiers thinly disguised as “mercenaries.”

It is already estimated that the entire arsenal of Western Europe has been depleted of its stocks even as US Imperialism is said to be now shipping to Ukraine some of its stocks based in Asia and the Middle East.

If Ukraine is “winning” against Russia, why the almost daily incessant “plea” for more arms and aid by President Volodymir Zelensky from the West?

If Ukraine is winning, why the wrangling within NATO on the continued wisdom of aiding Ukraine in what is clearly turning to be a losing proposition?

Primarily because they know that like the majority of heavy armaments they sent over last year, they would most likely disappear two ways—thru theft by the corrupt Ukraine military so they can be sold in the black market or, to simple destruction by the precise weapons of the Russian Armed Forces. Either way, it is just like pouring water in a bucket shot full of holes.

The sending of more sophisticated and more powerful arms to Ukraine would entail also the sending of their own crews—the Ukrainians cannot be expected to operate them with competence.

And when this happens, the “veil” of ‘non-military intervention’ by the West would be completely lifted.

This would justify Russia to utilize the full might of its military strength, the same strength that defeated Nazi Germany during World War 2.

An “open war” between Russia and the West would also mean an immediate and radical global re-alignment of forces for what would turn out to be a battle to the death between the East and the West.

Now, how would China react under the circumstances?

Take it or not, the “China factor” is what is actually driving the West and US Imperialism nuts.

For should China gives it full backing to Russia, the war in Ukraine could drag on for 100 years with no benefit to the West or for everyone for that matter.