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400 volunteers to help DENR plant trees, protect Mt. Kinglad

August 9, 2021 Cory Martinez 560 views

EFFORTS to protect Mt. Kitanglad in Bukidnon will be further boosted with the commitment given by at least 400 volunteers from private sectors and non-government organizations (NGOs) who will help the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) plant more trees in the area.

This was learned after the DENR forged a partnership with the Kitanglad Guard Volunteers (KGV) , Forest Foundation Philippines, and Holcim Corp., who have committed to plant more than 300 hectares of coffee, abaca, and bamboo as a sustainable agroforestry system to protect Mt. Kitanglad.

Daniel F. Somera, Mount Kitanglad Range Natural Park (MKRNP) protected area superintendent, said that despite the limited manpower assigned in Mt. Kitanglad, the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) has successfully tapped the cooperation of the upland communities to spearhead the community- based park protection.

Somera added that the more than 400 volunteers that form KGV now serve as contractors of the DENR’s National Greening Program.

“KGV started its humble beginning with only more than a dozen members in 1995. They rose to more than 400 volunteers who proved their worth in the significant decline of man-made disturbances within the park. Their park protection is also being reciprocated as they are given top priority in the provision of livelihood assistance,” said Somera.

The DENR has implemented a combination of agroforestry (planting of fruit trees, dipterocarp or broad-leafed tropical trees, and vegetables) and assisted natural regeneration (ANR–maintenance of existing naturally growing trees) in MKRNP.

Somera added that this resulted in the sustainable development of forestry area with 100 hectares of coffee trees, 100 hectares of abaca, 100 hectares of fuelwood trees, 100 hectares of rattan, and 50 hectares of bamboo. The planting is all over 28 barangays surrounding MKRNP.

The DENR has also partnered with Holcim Corp in planting coffee, cacao, and rubber. The Forest Foundation Philippines and the – Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Management Program also contributed to the plantation efforts.

Somera further explained that the agroforestry-ANR program supports DENR’s aim for the sustainable protection of MKRNP which is the headwater source of major river systems in Bukidnon.

Mt. Kitanglad plays a critical role in the replenishment of river systems that drain from Mt. Kitanglad. The rivers include Pulangi, Manupali, Cagayan and Tagoloan rivers in North and Central Mindanao.