Winner killed by losers in dove racing contest
A MAN died after being mauled and stabbed by his competitors in a dove racing contest in Sta. Ana, Manila.
Dead on the spot due to numerous stab wounds in the body was Kenneth Pagulayan, whose age remains unknown.
The Manila Police District (MPD)-homicide section said four men are being hunted down regarding the incident.
PCapt.Henry Navarro, chief of the MPD-homicide section, said the stabbing took place at around 5 p.m. on June 7 when the victim went to Barangay 767 to collect his winnings of P1,000.
Instead of paying him, the victim was stabbed and beaten up by the four suspects.
Police said that bsed on initial information gathered, the suspects are known bullies and drug users in the area who are in fact in the drug watchlist of the said barangay.