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We are the miracle

November 12, 2021 Bro. Clifford T. Sorita 405 views

SoritaEvery now and then we would wish that we be blessed with a miracle. When life’s burdens seem to overwhelm us, our desire for a little divine intervention becomes a welcomed experience; but is experiencing a miracle simply a matter of asking for it? A couple of years ago the film, “Bruce Almighty” (which starred Jim Carrey) premiered in cinemas all-over the metropolis. Its comedic theme focused on the various heavenly miracles performed by Jim Carrey after God (played by Morgan Freeman) offered him his “divine role” while he takes a short vacation. But, towards the end of the film, Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) realized that one should not look too far for a miracle because it might just be right under our noses.

This film’s subject matter is similar to a popular anecdote of a young man’s prayer after seeing the poverty of the people around him. The young man said to God, “Lord please send us a miracle. The impoverished people around me need you. Please, dear God, hear their prayers and send them a miracle!” And, to the amazement of this young lad God answered him uttering, “My Son, I did send a miracle… I created you!”

Miracles are signs, not foundations. True faith does not rest in miracles per se but in acknowledging the love and grace of God working through these signs. Jesus had to explain that he came not just to miraculously change stones to bread but also to allow the people to understand the deep meaning of the signs he performed.

This is the same reason why we should not expect too much “transcendentalism” in the miracles we seek but instead we should try to understand the will of God in the simple miracles of our day-to-day experiences. In being a miracle to each other we become living signs of God’s love to men.

Though no documented miracle has been so far declared in the Philippines, we Filipinos believe that miracles have a big contribution to our way of life, but are it truly manifested in our daily experiences? Are the rising incidents of political crimes, which are related to major government upheavals, considered part of this so-called miracle? Can the increasing number of families below the poverty line also shout “AMEN” to these seemingly miraculous economic advances announced in the media? And, is our deteriorating political system a living embodiment of the miracle we so proudly profess as the only Catholic country in the whole of Asia?

The responsibility of the lay faithful towards social transformation includes the renewal of all aspects of our secular engagements such as economics, business, education, family, sports, media, entertainment, cultural, social, ecological and political. The true experience of faith is never manifested by mere lip service. Our social life should be the expression of God’s love and concern for all men, and should not be used to sow division, to breed poverty and injustice, or to promote the culture of selfishness and greed. These activities should help build a just and a loving society as God planned it to be.

Sometimes, the miracle we seek amidst the poverty we experience lies in our very own hands. For it is in the miracle of electing good men and women in positions of government where we can find the solution to the problems we bear. As heavenly as miracles may seem to be, every now and then we should never fail to acknowledge it in the simple occurrences of our daily routine. And, as complex as our social woes may also seem to be, sometimes all it takes is just a conscientious social vigilance.

If we believe in God just because he works miracles in our lives, what will happen to us when there are no more miracles? It is in focusing more our attention to the “message of a miracle” rather than in the “miracle in itself” where we could begin to appreciate God’s grace working through it. And, it is in the simplicity of this “faith experience” where we could begin to appreciate our day-to-day lives also as an experience of God’s miracle.

Pope Francis said that whatever is “born of prayer and not from the presumption of our ego, what is purified by humility, even if it is a hidden and silent act of love, is the greatest miracle that a Christian can perform. There is only one great call in the Gospel, and it is that of following Jesus on the way of love”.


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