This Terrifying Shark With A ‘Human Face’ Is Straight Out Of The Depths Of Hell
by Cass AndersonJune 11, 2021
shark eye up close
Pixabay / Mustafa shehadeh
I don’t want to sound like an alarmist with everything that’s been happening lately but it certainly looks like the Gates to Hell is leaking sea monsters again and those gates can be found somewhere deep in the Indian Ocean. This mutant baby shark caught by fishermen off the coast of Indonesia is said to have a ‘human face’ with two large round eyes underneath its snout which gives it a cartoon-like appearance.
It’s unclear if this shark came straight from our nightmares or if it looks like something that a toddler would make with Play-Doh during Arts & Crafts time at daycare. I think both can be true. This deformed shark is startling and if I ever encountered this in the wild my first assumption would be there was a ton of toxic waste dumped at the bottom of the ocean in that area.
According to reports, the shark with a ‘Human Face’ was caught by Abdullah Nuren while fishing ‘the waters near Rote Ndao in the East Nusa Tenggara province’. He accidentally caught a mother shark in a trawler net. By the time he got the shark onto the boat, it was already deceased. And then he found three inside, two which looked normal like the mother shark and this deformed shark from the depths of Hell.
WTF Facts
Meanwhile, in Indonesia, a local fisherman has been left baffled after catching this baby shark with a ‘human face’ while out in the Indian
10:29 PM · Feb 23, 2021
Let the viral images begin
The real-life baby shark! Mutant fish is born with ‘a human face’
Of all the weird and wonderful creatures you might come across in the sea, a mutant shark with ‘a human face’ doesn’t spring to mind. But a fisherman off the coast of Indonesia came across just that.
10:13 PM · Feb 23, 2021