POLICE officials vying for third level career positions will now have the opportunity to be eligible with the opening of Police Executive Service Eligibility (PESE) Written Examination administered by the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM).
Starting July 12 to August 13, 2021, the NAPOLCOM will accept applications for PESE Exams scheduled on September 12, 2021.
NAPOLCOM Vice Chairman and Executive Officer (VCEO) Vitaliano N. Aguirre II said that the PESE Written Examination is open to all qualified uniformed members of the PNP with the rank of Police Lieutenant Colonel (PLTCOL) and up, with permanent status of appointment.
The PESE Written Examination will be held in Quezon City (for applicants from Luzon); in Cebu City (for applicants from Visayas); and in Davao City (for applicants from Mindanao). Application forms and Index cards can be obtained for free at the NAPOLCOM Central Office or at any NAPOLCOM Regional Office nationwide. These forms may also be downloaded at www.napolcom.gov.ph.
Upon filing, qualified applicants should indicate in their application their choice of examination center. Duly accomplished application forms, with all the required documents, may be filed personally or by mail at any of the seventeen (17) NAPOLCOM Regional Offices nationwide on or before the deadline for filing of applications.
Qualified applicants must submit the following documents:
1. Duly accomplished Written Examination Form and Index Card
2. Examination fee of Php 700.00
3. Three pieces identical I.D. pictures (one 1” x 1” size and two passport size) with full name tag that includes the First Name, Middle Initial and Surname, taken within three months before the date of filing of the application. Pictures that are scanned, photocopied or computer enhanced will not be accepted.
4. Two legal size window envelopes with Php 21.00 worth of mailing stamps affixed on each envelope
5. Copy of attested appointment (KSS Porma Bldg. 33)
“The PESE examination has two (2) phases, the Written Examination and the Validation Interview, which both consist of analytical questions on police leadership and police values to test the competence, skills and the mettle of future leaders of the PNP,” Vice Chairman Aguirre said.
Only those who passed the Written Examination are qualified to proceed to the Validation Interview. Passers of the Validation Interview shall be conferred the PES Eligibility, which is one of the requirements for promotion to the third-level ranks of Police Colonel (PCOL), Police Brigadier General (PBGEN), Police Major General (PMGEN), Police Lieutenant General (PLTGEN) and Police General (PGEN), during PESE Conferment Rites.