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Independence reclaimed

June 11, 2021 Bro. Clifford T. Sorita 510 views

SoritaHAPPY Independence Day Mga Kababayan. Frustration and Hopelessness seem to characterize our day-to-day social, political and economic lives. Our capacity to sustain a decent living seems to slowly fade into darkness. But a dose of “patriotic idealism” and “faith” seems to boost our ability to survive each and every obstacle. Allow me to share with you a public statement written by a friend of mine, Atty. Howard M. Calleja (Former PPCRV Legal Counsel), and I hope it could help give meaning to our celebration of our Independence Day:

Today, June 12, 2021 the 1SAMBAYAN Coalition will release the names of potential candidates for President, Vice President and Senator for the 2022 Synchronized National and Local Elections.

These names shall then undergo a selection process that would determine the official standard bearer of the coalition thereafter.

Today, June 12, we will choose as nation a new breed of leadership and reclaim back our democracy. 1SAMBAYAN is a political coalition of democratic forces for good governance.

Its collective love for our country has motivated the group to stop the present regime of corruption, injustice, human rights violation, economic sabotage, cultural bankruptcy, and even treason.

Its commitment is two-fold.

First, the formation of only one opposition slate to run in the 2022 national election. Second, is a platform of government for good governance that looks towards Philippines 2050 and beyond. On our first and immediate goal of having a single opposition candidate and win in the May 9 2022 Elections, a proactive search for competent candidates who embody a deep love of country and have displayed exemplary leadership as well as public and reasoned critique against the poor governance of the Duterte administration will be launched on the day of our Independence.

Each potential candidate shall be chosen based on Character, Capability, Track Record and Winnability.

Such characteristics will be assessed based on four data sources/sets — (a) Candidate’s Profile Sheet with detailed listing of their Program of Government; (b) Townhall Meetings and Consultations; (c) Existing External and Internal Surveys; and (d) Due diligence research materials. And after due consultation with all coalition members, a final list of official candidates shall be duly released to the public.

On the second commitment of good governance, 1SAMBAYAN together with its official candidates shall have a comprehensive platform of good governance that will embody a road map for Philippines 2050 and beyond.

It will, among others, ensure a transparent accountable and participatory form of government for all Filipinos while providing equality and best opportunities for all. Genuine participatory democracy will characterize 1SAMBAYAN’s platform of governance as a fundamental political right. It is a key component of democratic governance, a powerful catalyzer of minorities and most marginalized groups’ social inclusion and a way to promote urban citizenship in contexts of metropolitan and territorial governance.

Our experience should motivate us this June 12 (Independence Day) to ELEVATE our voting standards.

We should use our right of suffrage responsibly. We should never underestimate the power of our vote. Our vote can make a difference … It can help elect worthy men and women into public office that would alleviate the plight of those we consider voiceless in our society.

We should never just make a choice; we should make a right choice. After carefully considering a candidate’s platform of governance we should make sure that our choice is articulated through our ballot, and to help make sure that our vote counts.

It is when we vote that we participate in Nation Building because it is the leader, we choose that shall direct us to such a noble task. It is a great responsibility for us to choose the best candidate for the job. It is when we fail to conscientiously choose the BEST leader that we also fail in our responsibility. We are therefore impelled to make the right choice and to vote if we are to belong to the movers of moral transformation. In the end, we are Filipino Citizens responsible for the betterment of our country —– the Philippines.


For any personal comments or suggestions, you may call 0917-4805585 or email me at [email protected].