mamang pulis

Gen. Marbil to cops who’ll moonlight as politician’s bodyguards: You’ll be fired

January 16, 2025 Alfred P. Dalizon 126 views

MarbilYOU will be identified and fired from the force.”

This was the stern warning by Philippine National Police (PNP) chief General Rommel Francisco D. Marbil to any member of the police force who will ‘moonlight’ as bodyguards of politicians during the election period

“This should be a warning to all. We are very strict on our personnel who are engaged in so-called ‘moonlighting’ activities. Just remember the case of the 11 SAF personnel, two of them officers who were dismissed from the service last year for the same offense,” he said.

Gen. Marbil said they are implementing the so-called ‘Alunan Doctrine’ when it comes to providing security protection to politicians and other ‘high-risk individuals.’

He said the same doctrine is being used by the Police Security and Protection Group headed by Brigadier Gen. Nestor C. Babagay Jr. although right now, they need to discuss with the Commission on Elections the doctrine as they also have to look at the level of threat on a particular figure.

Under the Alunan Doctrine, a politician having more than two personal armed guards would be considered as having a private armed group and as such, that PAG should be dissolved.

The said doctrine however allowed only two security personnel for politicians subject to strict background investigation, threat assessment validation and Comelec approval.

During the last two elections, the PNP reiterated that all aspirants are limited to having a maximum of two security escorts in adherence to Comelec resolutions covering the carrying of firearms and employment of bodyguards.

As a deputized agency of the Comelec, the PNP will not only strictly enforce the January 12 to June 11, 2025 gun ban but will also perform public safety duties for election security operations.

They include the strict enforcement of the nationwide prohibition on the unauthorized carrying of firearms and other deadly weapons, intensified focused law enforcement operations, dismantling of private armed groups, early preparation of security and contingency plans, provision of security to vulnerable candidates, limited reshuffle of PNP personnel, accounting of loose firearms and neutralization of guns for hire and criminal groups.

Last week, Armed Forces chief of staff, Gen. Romeo S. Brawner Jr. told newsmen that they received no information regarding the presence of active soldiers involved in similar ‘moonlighting’ activities during recent elections.

However, he admitted they have information that some members of their Citizens Armed Forces (CAFGU) or militia forces were being monitored for involvement in such illegal practice.

Last November, Gen. Marbil ordered the immediate dismissal of 11 Special Action Force (SAF) officers for grave misconduct related to a moonlighting case.

He issued the order following a recommendation of the PNP Internal Affairs Service (PNP-IAS) which found out that the majority of the 11 covered up for two Zamboanga-based SAF members who were discovered acting as private security for a Chinese national without proper authorization.

The case stemmed from a May 2024 fistfight in a residential village in Muntinlupa City between the two SAF members.

The PNP-IAS investigation found that the SAF battalion commander and executive senior police officer deployed the two personnel to moonlight as private security.

Two more battalion officers falsified daily reports to make it appear that the moonlighting SAF members were present on duty.

As a result, one Lieutenant Colonel, three Captains, two Lieutenants, one Executive Master Sergeant, two Senior Master Sergeants, and two Corporals were summarily dismissed from the force.

All were found guilty of grave misconduct, dishonesty, grave irregularity in performing their duties and conduct unbecoming of a police officer.

Additionally, one captain was found guilty of simple neglect of duty and less grave neglect of duty. He was suspended for 31 days.

Meanwhile, one captain, one chief master sergeant and one corporal were exonerated from the case due to insufficient evidence linking them to the scheme.