
Chess simul, lectures at ERJHS

June 2, 2023 People's Tonight 513 views

Philippine College of Advanced Arts and Technology (PCAAT) vice president IM Idel Datu shakes hands with Ms. ERJHS Alumni Jean Wenceslao of Batch 89 during the “Isulong Mo with GM Eugene Torre and IM Young” simultaneous chess exhibition matches at the E. Rodriguez Jr. High School in Mayon Ave., Quezon City recently. The event, presented by the ERJHS Alumni Sports Club, also featured chess lectures by IM Datu. Also in photo are Asia’s first GM Eugene Torre, IM Angelo Young, former ERJHS Alumni Association president Jess Asistin, ASC president Ed Andaya of Batch 81 and vice president Imee Gines of Batch 82.